Sorry Luckylucy, I couldn't let this slide....

by back2dafront 10 Replies latest social current

  • back2dafront

    You posted a comment from Francois a month or so ago and didn't get him credit.

    That's really lame. If you have something to say, at least verbalize your own thoughts.

    Also, I'd like to address one more comment you made:

    Come on now put on your thinking caps.If we stand by and don't do anything now (we did nothing to provoke 911)

    You really believe that? You remember the WTC's were attacked once before, right? Do you remember the truck that crashed through the gate at a Marines base in...<somebody help me with the country - I think it was Beirut?>....slammed into a building, blew up and killed 200+ Marines??? The attack on the USS Cole? All of this was unprovoked you say?

    Well, to make it as simple as possible for you, this is all directly related to our FOREIGN POLICY - it has sucked for more than 2 decades now, and this war is going to make it even worse, not better. So you better get prepared for more terrorism because that's the path YOUR president is leading us down.

    The previous thread was going well until it got out of hand. If people are going to comment on this, please do so in a reasonable manner.



  • NewSense

    Dear Back:

    I agree with your posting !00%. And, while there is certainly neither justification nor excuse for the 9/11 attacks, there are *reasons* behind them. In other words, the hatred that motivated those attacks did not magically produce itself in some vacuum. That hatred must be considered within the context of America's fascist, imperialist geo-political malfeasance. To put it bluntly, American foreign policy sucks. It is inane, cruel and cowardly. It is based on evil precepts. We are currently being led by a president who is allowing himself to be blinded by messianic delusions (It reminds me of that old song from the sixties that goes: "And you tell me over and over again, my friend, you don't believe we're on the eve of destruction.") Personally speaking, Bush's policy toward Iraq nauseates me and makes me ashamed of being an American. The U.S. is on the verge of attacking another sovereign nation with its reason being that Iraq has the very same weapons that the U.S. itself possesses. And if Bush does initiate an attack without a U.N. mandate (which is something that he will do, without a doubt) then he will be in direct violation of international law. Absolutely disgusting.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I'm probably just some idealistic bleeding heart liberal pinko commie save the whales left wing fag, but I can't help but wonder about something.

    What if the world agreed on two points: love your God and love your neighbor. It's simple if you want it

    What if the world agreed to stop killing for a day. That's all. Just one day.

    And at the end of that one day, what if the world found the courage to stop killing for another day.

    Sometimes I think our problems are so complex and difficult it's like unraveling spaghetti. Where do you start? But maybe the answer to our problems is to find a simple common ground. Can we not all agree that loving each other is at the heart of humanity? And can we not all agree that the taking of human life is repugnant?

    Maybe all we need to do to solve our problems is to quiet the noise and simplify our philosphy down to one word: love. Is what we are doing today loving? Are we showing love to another if we do a particular thing?

    But that won't happen, will it?

    What a waste. Damn shame. Okay, start the noise back up again.

    "You people are capable of such beautiful dreams and such horrible nightmares" -- Carl Sagan, Contact

    "To love another person is to see the face of God" -- Les Miserables

  • LuckyLucy

    OMG Big Tex....You must be kidding! You really must educate yourself on these people. First get out the Karan and crack it open. It tells them we are the enemy.They make points with God when they kill us.Death is not the end for them. No , they believe they will go to heaven and have many wives.You see the sicko that wrote the book wanted to make sure he had total control so he made death very appealing.You people really really never cease to amaze me with what you really do not know.

  • Valis

    First of all its the Koran...get a dictionary...second of all...The Koran is just like the Bible. A religious guide book for the life of the follower...unfortunately the follower many times misconstrues what is said in the book and uses it to perpetrate his/her agenda. Perhaps some lessons in history, specifically the holy wars and so forth that were started becuase the crusaders believed they had biblical sanction?...The bible is full of violent references to killing and exterminating those that did not worship the Bible god. Give me a break...US policy in regards Israel has much to do with the animosity towards the US, not to mention the "manifest destiny" we as a country have always persued...Ever wonder why we own small islands and so forth? Well, because we never gave them back that's why...ya think that might piss someone off? And not just the US...look what happened to the French in Vietnam...its a long list, but I think the point could be made that the US is responsible for some of the animosity AND there are also a lot of fundamental religious freaks all over the world that infuse their followers with hate, whether Christian, Sihk, Muslim, Hindu, Jehovahs Witness *LOL*.. etc..


    District Overbeer

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    OMG Big Tex....You must be kidding

    No. I'm not. If we're going to make a difference, for the better, it has to start somewhere with someone.

    Just my opinion.

  • Hmmm


    It's so sad to see people stop being ranting, non-thinking proselytizers for one cult only to start being so for another.

    LL, you want to share with us where "they" are told that "we" are the enemy? I'm guessing you can't, since the book has at least three correct english spellings and you couldn't fall upon any of them. If you manage to "educate yourself" about that little fact, could you follow it up by quoting all the times the Bible says it's OK for "us" to hate "them"?

    Rebuttal statements full of generalities won't help. I'm neither a Republican nor a Democrat; I'm a Cynic.


  • SheilaM
    What if the world agreed to stop killing for a day. That's all. Just one day.

    And at the end of that one day, what if the world found the courage to stop killing for another day.

    Big Tex:

    I understand your thoughts and agree that things could change.

  • back2dafront

    If only it were so simple.

    Unfortunately, I think it's going to take a nuclear war before anyone even remotely begins to consider such a thing.

  • WildHorses


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