What is your PSI / ESP potential?

by manon 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • blackout

    Hey some how I got more posts!!!!

    So guys what am I thinking right now???

  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    Four times this week I've had a strong feeling someone would return a call I'd placed some hours earlier. On three occasions they called within 15 seconds. I scored highly in the quiz. Mmmmm.... Max

  • Dolphin57

    I got all affirmative. Things happen to me every day that makes me think I have ESP. I say, "I dont know, it just feels right" on a daily basis. I can see aura's and feel other people's feelings, even when its not so obvious. I always hid it when I was in the org. It was demonistic, I was always told. I would like to look into exploring it, see what happens.

  • LyinEyes

    I have dreamed things before they happened and they came true EXACTLY in sequence as they did in my dream. My mother and I used to have an unspoken communication,,,,,,it is hard to explain ,but all you who are reading this, probably understand what I mean .

    I think I have always felt very strongly other people's feelings, emotions, especially when they are hurting. I am very sensitive to my animals, and yeah,,,,,,,,, I do talk to them like they are my kids, not like animals.My cat got ran over last Saturday, and I really loved this cat , he was only 8 months old. I cried but didnt fall apart over it. But I have really , really missed that cat. He always seemed to know when I didnt feel good , or when I had a bad day, he was always there. I miss his presence in the house. We still have his sister and last night she walked around crying, really crying all night. I thought she might have been thirsty at first , but she just looked at me. I am sure she is missing her brother, it was just that kind of cry ,,, and she wanted someone to know about it........I got really upset by her crying, and guess what,,,,,,,, I ended up really shedding tears over missing my cat. I am not sure I would have cried like that is Sassy would have not been so sad walking around the house crying , she just would not be consoled last night at all.

    I think alot of people have special gifts, like a super sensitive awareness of the unspoken. I think you may have to really try to find it, but I don't think eveyone has it. I would be interested in reading more about it,,,,,,,, real case studies.

  • rem

    Some people like myself experience such things all the time but don't think of them as anything more extraordinary than simple coincidences. Unfortunately statistics are counterintuitive and we tend to think things are much less likely than they really are.


  • xenawarrior

    Got an 8 here. Yep, I still cry watching commercials !!! I think we all have intuitive skills, we just don't practice them enough to make them a big enough part of us to be helpful.

    A great author to read on this subject is Shakti Gawain. I would recommend both "Creative Visualization" and "Living in the Light". Both books are great and both teach methods of tapping into our own intuition and visualization powers.

    Great topic manon !!!!!


  • SheilaM

    I got a 9 Lyin:

    I know what you mean I can dream something and then it comes true, just like my Grandbaby she is almost 9 months the dream I had before I knew my daughter was pregnant, was she was two and you know she is looking more and more like the lil girl in the dream LOL Silky curls*

  • manon

    Growing up a JW I was taught not to pay any mind to such things since they were considered to be somehow a part of the occult and demonic realm.

    I no longer believe that. I have taught myself to listen to my inner voice and to trust it.

    The sense of intuition in my opinion is very much a blessing. I believe we all have it and should listen to it and not fear it.

    Some days when my inner voice tells me "don't drive instead walk" I listen.

    Thank you all in participating and yes I to speak to animals in the same tone & manner I would another person.


  • LyinEyes

    Manon,,,,,,,,, I do that alot. I get a feeling about something , something as simple as being exteamly cautious while driving. I don't know if it has saved me from being in a wreck but maybe it did.

    I do that with my kids alot, I will get a feeling that they shouldnt do something, or go somewhere , and then it turns out it was good I didnt let them go for different reasons.

    I always thought this was just part of my obsessive compulsive behavior, you know like having to check the door to make sure it is locked a certain number of times or you will not remember later if you locked it. THat is why I went along with these gut instints, and I never felt regret over it.

    I had a few things happen in my life that made me that way I am sure. I know exactly what it was and when this terrible thing happened I didnt really understand how to listen to my gut feeling. Looking back , even right after it happened, I KNEW I should have listened to what I felt, even thou I didnt have a clue what it meant at the time, I had an actuall physical feeling that I ignored.

    But since then I really try to listen to those feelings.

  • Warrigal

    Ever since I was a child I could hear and understand animals. Sometimes we could actually carry on a brief conversation with mental pictures.

    When I joined the dubs, I suppressed that as anyone I mentioned it to would say it was the influence of demons.

    Now that I'm away from the WT nonsense I'm cultivating it again. It is amazing to me that children have this power naturally and the adults in their lives squash it.

    Just think about it! Did Eve run to Adam and say that the snake spoke to her? No. Perhaps they routinely conversed with animals.

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