VAT4956 - 530 BC destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar

by jwposter 271 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Jeffro

    Jupiter is achronycal on the expected date (starting in the evening of 3 May) in 568 BCE. Complete failure for your 512 BCE nonsense. Just go away.

  • jwposter


    VAT4956 Obverse Line 4:

    A / H:

    4: or 12th, Jupiter's acronychal rising. On the 14th, one god was seen with the other; sunrise to moonset: 4o.

    The 15th, overcast. The 16th, Venus [ .... ]

    N / W:

    4. or the 12th Jupiter apparently rose acronychally. On the 14th, the god was visible with the god; 16m passed between sunrise and moonset on the next morning. On the 15th, it was overcast. On the 16th Venus [ ... ].

    This is another demonstration of why I prefer N / W over A / H. Such a striking difference

    Interestingly, the two different types of acronychal risings. The apparent acronychal rising fits more to the observation of -511. Since the apparent acronychal rising is different from a true acronychal rising (what A/H seems to convey). The apparent acronychal rising is one in which the object rises while there is to much light and can't be seen because of the brightness of the sun. That is what we see in -511 for Jupiter at that time.
  • Jeffro

    No. An ‘apparent acronychal rising’ would not be far off an actual one, but with some difference due to glare, atmospheric conditions etc. There is nothing resembling an acronychal rising for Jupiter on the expected date in 512 BCE. Of course, in your imaginary chronology, you could be using a wrong date. If so, provide that and I can verify for it when time permits.

    So… Praesepe…

  • Jeffro

    jwposter (quoting 1915 translation of VAT 4956):

    Jupiter apparently rose acronychally. On the 14th, the god was visible with the god; 16m passed between sunrise and moonset on the next morning

    The imaginary chronology asserted by jwposter indicates 14 April 512 BCE as the evening to check for the 'apparent' acronychal rising of Jupiter. (At a stretch he could try to wriggle a couple of days earlier if he misinterprets the meaning of "or" at the beginning of the line, but it's no better.)

    Jupiter was already high in the sky at sunset. Not remotely consistent with an acronychal rising, 'apparent' or otherwise. It would be difficult for it to be more wrong. Oh dear.

    And not forgetting that it requires an impossible date for the solstice. But at least the moon was in the right phase. 🙄

  • Jeffro


    the dedication of Solomon's Temple was a Jubilee year. 950 BC.

    Wrong. It was 959 BCE (It may be argued that it was November of 960 BCE for Tishri dating or 959 BCE for Nisan dating, but historicity of Solomon is in doubt anyway.)

    That was the 60th Jubilee.

    Also wrong. Jubilee years were instituted in Leviticus (traditionally ascribed to Moses though it was actually completed in the 6th century BCE), but your nonsense would place the period before the ‘first jubilee’ far earlier than the spurious story of the exodus. It therefore seems you are counting back to your own contrived dating (around 3890 BCE) for the mythological character Adam.

    The 70th Jubilee was in 460 BC.

    Also wrong. Obviously you’re going with the jubilee year being in the 49th year rather than the 50th year (the more direct reading), but it’s neither here nor there and not the worst part of your nonsense.

    That was 70 years after the destruction of the Temple.

    Very wrong. There were only 49 years from the destruction of Jerusalem until the return from exile (though many stayed in Babylon anyway).

    That is also 490 years from 31 AD when Jesus was crucified and resurrected.

    It’s likely Jesus was executed (more likely in 30CE rather than 31) but there is no evidence for the Christian tradition that he was resurrected. Return from exile until Jesus’ death would be about 567 years.

    the Temple was destroyed was on the 60th Jubilee

    You said the 60th jubilee was when it was built, and you say it was destroyed at the same time. Either obvious nonsense or a typo. Based on your other nonsense, the destruction of the temple was 70 years before a jubilee year and can’t itself also be in a jubilee year, which you’ve indicated to be intervals of 49 years. Particularly ironic since the actual basis for jubilee years is ultimately derived from the actual period from the destruction of Jerusalem (587 BCE) to the release from exile (49 years later in 538 BCE), and laying the temple foundations (537 BCE, 50 years after the temple’s destruction).

    unto the 120th (declared in 1991)

    Declared by who? Obviously nonsense, but the choice of words suggests you’ve borrowed this drivel from someone else.

    Sept of 2040

    That’s rather longer than I would like to wait before reminding you that this was nonsense all along. Hopefully you’ll find your way back to reality before wasting too many years on this delusional fantasy though.

    You SEE? Can you SEE?

    That literally sounds like the ravings of a crazy person.
  • jwposter

    Also, for those that are studying the timeline that I provided. A big help to you will be the Book of Jubilees. The Book of Jubilees is one of the oldest ancient books which the Jews observed and found in Qumran and part among the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Book of Jubilees (as its name implies), tracks down time by Jubilees. This is really something we should all be doing. To understand how the time is tracked in the book is like this:

    Time are given based on the cycle of the Jubilee they are in. Therefore, day one of Adam would be already in the 1st Jubilee though the Jubilee has not yet been declared. Then the time is referred to in weeks of years. Therefore, the 1st. Jubilee 2nd week 3rd year would be equivalent to 7 + 3 = 10th year.

    And let's do another: 30th Jubilee 4th week 2nd year. Understand that a Jubilee = 50 years but the cycle is 49 years because the 50th year is also the 1st year in the next cycle.

    So 30th Jubilee would we take 29 * 49 (because we can use 30 because that cycle is not complete) + 3 * 7 (because we can't use 4 for the week because that week is not completed) + 2 (for the 2nd year above).

    (29 * 49) + ( 3 * 7) + 2 = 1444th year from the days of Adam.

    By using that means of calculation, you can easily read the Book of Jubilees.

    Now the Book of Jubilees shows that the 50th Jubilee was at the crossing of the Jordan. We know that is 40 years after the Exodus. So this tells you that 1 Kings 6:1 where it mentions the 480 years is not from the Beginning of the Exodus but from the End of the Exodus. We know this because the dedication of the Temple is in the 60th Jubilee. Therefore, 10 Jubilees = 490 years. You may have seen that number before if you studied Daniels 70 weeks because his prophecy is a 10 Jubilee prophecy. It is on this 50th, 60th, 70th, 80th, etc. (the tens) that significant events in Biblical history occur. This also tells you exactly where to find a Jubilee. Jesus was crucified in 31 AD, this means that year would be a declaration of a Jubilee in the 7th month (80th).

    Now since the Temple was dedicated in 950 BC, we can see that the 50th Jubilee was 490 years earlier in 1440 BC (crossing of the Jordan). We then have 40 years earlier to the Exodus in 1479. But a Pharaoh would have to have died that year for there to be any authenticity to that year. Which there was. That Pharaoh is Thutmose II. He didn't have a son to immediately take the throne. Hs wife therefore had to rule. His mummy was found and it was covered with scabrous wounds consistent with the Boil Plague. Not just his but other mummies of the time as well were covered with the same scabrous wounds.

  • jwposter

    As for the Exodus being in 1479 and Thutmose II as the Pharaoh, you can see a chart on the following link that references the reigns of Thutmose II from various historians. You can see it was believed to be 1479 when it ended according to several historians.

  • Jeffro


    Also, for those that are studying the timeline that I provided.

    No one in their right mind is doing that. At least not for any reason you would like.

  • Jeffro


    (29 * 49) + ( 3 * 7) + 2 = 1444th year from the days of Adam.

    How come you can process this but couldn’t understand how the date of the solstice on a specific Babylonian date dictates the first day of the same Babylonian year?

    Are you just parroting someone else’s nonsense?

  • Jeffro


    By using that means of calculation, you can easily read the Book of Jubilees.

    The book of Jubilees, a work of the second century BCE, contains spurious information about myths up until the purported time of Moses. It isn’t about Solomon’s temple, the destruction of Jerusalem, or Jesus.

    I thought this thread was about how amazingly VAT4956 confirms 530 BCE for the destruction of the temple.

    I’ve confirmed you’re using an impossible date for the solstice, invalidated your interpretation of the fish, demolished your incorrect use of ‘in front’ and ‘behind’, and shown Jupiter wasn’t acronychal. Now… Praesepe…

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