My Investigation Begins..........

by sandy 22 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • sandy

    Well everyone thanks to many of your comments and urgings I started my investigation to find the "truth" about the WTBTS. Today, I wrote two letters to the United Nations and I finally ordered Crisis of Conscience.

    If any of you have any more suggestions or comments please reply.

    Thank you,


  • Swan

    Good for you Sandy. I am glad you are doing your own legwork on this. It is important. If you just want to talk I am willing to listen, no strings attached. I remember back when I was in the place you are. My only regret is I didn't do it earlier. A day in the public library researching the actual date of the fall of Jerusalem (587/586 BCE, not 607 BCE) in the history books 20 or 25 years ago sure would have saved me some heartache.


  • gitasatsangha

    suggestion: learn some sort of relaxation method, be it vippasanna, yoga, meditation, tai-chi, fly-fishing, etc. What you are about to get into will be both liberating and EXTREMELY stressful.

    Hari \ ,


  • jgnat

    Congratulations, Sandy. I bet this is a big step for you. Remember as you begin this new journey of self-discovery, to stop and smell the roses once in a while. Sometimes the journey is as pleasant as the destination. It is fun to read about what other people think, but the most important question is, what do you think about these issues? It might be fun to keep a journal of your thoughts and emotions during this time, and take a peek back a month or year from now to mark your progress.

    Great suggestion, that, to look up a little history in the Encyclopaedia Brittanica.

  • duckie

    Sandy Hi, and congradulations,

    I can only advise you of what I went through in the hope of helping you, I experienced a whole heap of emotions, anger, fear etc, just keep remembering that there are tens of thousands of others that have been through and are going through what you are about to, you are NOT silly or stupid for being part of the WTS, and there is life outside the WTS and time does heal most wounds. Rely on us here on the board, vent what you are feeling, ask questions and always know we are here to help, listern and talk.

    Take care


  • Liberty

    Hi Sandy,

    May your search for truth be fruitful. I don't see how you can go wrong by getting more information. If the Watch Tower Society is really who they claim to be then your search will prove they have the Truth. If you find in your research that they are false then you have gained a great gift in knowing that they are exploiting their followers and that you can free yourself from this exploitation. Either way, if there is a God, He would approve of your honest questioning of those who use/abuse His authority. It is difficult for a person to reexamine their beliefs, let alone change them. It takes a brave and honest person to admit that they may have been fooled.

    Many things caused me to doubt the Watch Tower Society. One thing which seems very clear are all of their false predictions. I'm a JW from long ago so I didn't need to research this aspect of their less than truthful approach to date setting. I was around during the late 60's and through the 1970's and saw first hand not only that they were wrong about Armageddon's time frame but that then they proceeded to waffel and finally lie about their false predictions after they saw this date receed into history. This alone proves they have no "spirit direction from God" to help them understand Bible prophesy. They are just another religion cashing in on the fear of Armageddon

  • email

    Good for you Sandy... I'm glad you did... I've always been very skeptical about everything... I didn't believe a lot of the things people here were posting about the WTBTS and in other websites until I did MY OWN research ( just to prove the "apostates" were wrong and to appease some nagging doubts I've always had)... Well I was in for a surprise... not only did I found more information than I bargained for but I also found a lot of support from people here... some even sent me literature through the mail and other information to help me out... I think that people like you (and me) when we finally convince ourselves about something we are VERY strong in our convictions...

    Please share with us all your research as new lurkers of this board will find your information "new" and appealing and they would probably be motivated to dig more and find the truth about "the truth"... just as you are doing.

    Best wishes,


  • myself

    Good for you Sandy. I started my own search a little over a year ago. I agree with duckie, it can take you thru a wide range of emotions, but that is sometimes part of the process in healing. I couldn't begin to tell you how many hours I spent lurking and searching. I would get impatient because I did not find enough time in the day to get thru all of the information. I read COC within the week I bought it and immediately ordered In Search of Christain Freedom. These books are a great aid to seeing what the average jw doesn't have privy to, but we must each draw our own conclusions. I also did a lot of research on cults and mind/emotional control. jgnat's advice to stop and smell the roses rings true too, sometimes it gets a little overwhelming.


  • blackout

    Well done Sandy, at having the strength, courage and self esteem to do this research. I applaude you.

  • crownboy

    Good for you Sandy, I can guarantee you that you will not regret this decision.

    I was more shocked than anything when I found out the truth about "the truth". It was somewhat hard to believe that so much of what you learned and believed to be founded in fact could be so wrong. But anyone who respects truth and facts has to accept what is found, and now I am mentally free of the religion, thank goodness. I hope you have a good time searching, and keep us posted about your progress.

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