There is science that prove God exists

by HopeEverLasting 148 Replies latest jw friends

  • HopeEverLasting
    Viviane If you choose to believe in something as silly as unicorns, then that's on you. And since when is defining God a tough question?
  • OrphanCrow
    I pray for you



  • Viviane
    Viviane If you choose to believe in something as silly as unicorns, then that's on you. And since when is defining God a tough question?

    Why is a horse with a horn on it's head sillier than an invisible, undetectable all powerful all knowing all loving mass murderer?

    And if it isn't so tough, then go ahead and do it. Does your courage match your conviction is the question. You've already shown you're afraid you will get hung with your own rope.

    And show us your logic for "god being the only logical explanation". Remember, can't apply to unicorn farts.

  • HopeEverLasting
  • OrphanCrow
    hope: ...And since when is defining God a tough question?

    You da God expert

    Go...easy question...for someone who knows the answer like you claim. So simple? Not tough?...let's hear it. Please explain

  • HopeEverLasting

    Viviane If you can't see the logic then better problems arise. God exists and other scientist will agree. There's your logic.

  • HopeEverLasting

    OrphanCrow, okay. you got me. God created it. Easy, huh?

  • Gargamel

    Another one of these? :)

    I think that science has actually done a wonderful job of explaining how we are here.

    Planets, and other bodies, exist because of the basic law of gravity i.e. mass being (weakly) attracted to mass.

    The odds against things, including organisms, existing as they do are huge. This doesn't prove god's existence, rather, it's just an indicator that there were a huge number of "attempts" (I use quotes because it's difficult to imagine inorganic matter attempting anything).

    Apparently, science has shown that something from nothin is possible. I won't pretend that I understand that bit. I could probably do so if it were explained individually over a sufficiently lengthy time frame.

    It reminds me of the old betting scam where someone reckons they have surefire winners in an accumulator. If enough people sign up and put money on, there will probably be a winner. So it is with universes, I think.

  • Simon

    There is no science that proves god exists. There are vacuous arguments that convince idiots that have already chosen to believe in the fairy-stories that they are not as dumb as they deep down know they must be.

    There is more evidence for unicorns, they are more believable. I have seen horses, I've seen animals with tasks from their heads. It's not a huge stretch and yet, we know that unicorns are imaginary.

    Evidence for god is way, way, way down on the "convincing" scale than for unicorns.

  • HopeEverLasting

    Gargamel it doesn't disapprove his existence either.

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