by blondie 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Well, jonnycip, I flattered that you wanted to read my writings to your dad. Too bad he doesn't have your good taste. Yes, it is hard to get past the 1st two paragraphs but I am strong.

    Yes, maverick, I would take the red pencil to the articles. The best defense against the WT publications is to "really" read your Bible and see the full picture. The WTS uses snippets of scriptures, quoting on the part they want to emphasize, but you miss the context. More scriptures are cited than quoted and we know JWs don't have time to look them up. The Isaiah books quote the scriptures but in a disjointed way. What needs to be done is to read them from the Bible all at once, not one at a time in the publication. If you were to hand the Bible to the average JW and ask them to explain some part of the book of Isaiah, they could not do it. Inspite of 2 books and 2 years, they could not explain it without the publication.

    Well, I am rambling. Glad that my and jgnat's excellent research interest you. I know I hope I can continue to do so.


  • minimus

    Wouldn't it be something if a person did give answers that were a bit "off" at the meetings? You know, something that sounds logical, even truthful, but is totally against what the Watchtower teaches? For example, imagine talking about how Jehovah never lies or is wrong, and then saying something like, "Obviously, the organization has said things that were incorrect and false, but how thankful we can be that the God of truth, uses the organization". I bet nobody would question it. We could do the same thing at every meeting. Say it sweet and nobody would be the wiser.

  • blondie

    Minimus, I would always slip in the Insight Book definition of lying whenever I could, that not all lying was wrong. Then I would conclude, "So, lying is all right if the person is not entitled to know the truth":

    The opposite of truth. Lying generally involves saying something false to a person who is entitled to know the truth and doing so with the intent to deceive or to injure him or another person.

    While malicious lying is definitely condemned in the Bible, this does not mean that a person is under obligation to divulge truthful information to people who are not entitled to it. Jesus Christ counseled: "Do not give what is holy to dogs, neither throw your pearls before swine, that they may never trample them under their feet and turn around and rip you open." (Mt 7:6) That is why Jesus on certain occasions refrained from giving full information or direct answers to certain questions when doing so could have brought unnecessary harm. (Mt 15:1-6; 21:23-27; Joh 7:3-10) Evidently the course of Abraham, Isaac, Rahab, and Elisha in misdirecting or in withholding full facts from nonworshipers of Jehovah must be viewed in the same light.—Ge 12:10-19; chap 20; 26:1-10; Jos 2:1-6; Jas 2:25; 2Ki 6:11-23.

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