by JT 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • JT

    "We would not refuse to treat one as a brother because he did not believe the Society is the Lord's channel... There should be full liberty of conscience." -- WT April 1, 1920, p. 100, 101

    It is interesting to think that at one time the wt viewed itself merely as students of the word sharing and printing thier understanding or interpetation or their take on a biblical point and as a result they felt that if they printed something that someone didn;t agree with well all is well, we just got a different personal view on a matter

    i have always stated that in my view wt would have been fine if they stuck with bible commentary, the problem grew we they decided to jump from just mere students of the word to the "HNIC"

    as a result of this move they no longer could allow you to have a view other than theirs without saying that you are now going against god-

    it has often been stated by many that their family have at times wished they commit fornication steal , get drunk etc for at least they could say you did it cause you were weak, but to speak against THE SOCIETY well that is equated with speaking against god himself

    and that is why a DAing is often view worst cause you DELIBRATLY LEFT GOD -

    and so over the years wt has gone from - sure you can have a different thought from us and still be cool with god to- YOU WILL DIE FOR DISAGREEING WITH US

    when i show info like this to NONJW they are just amazed at how the wonderful couple they see on thier doorsteps on sat actually believe this tye of stuff,

    only n wt world

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I kknow what a henway is, but what's a HNIC?

  • JT

    it is a phrase used in the black community _ someone who wants to be in charge is often times refered to as the "Head Nig... In Charge"


  • gitasatsangha

    I agree with you, JT.

    I used to entertain a hope that the Jehovah's Witnesses could reconcile themselves back with the remaining Bible Student groups. It seemed at least that they still had the comfortable model of independant congregations, and freedom to examine scripture. Now for all I know, the Bible Students are based more around the Cult of Personality of Russell then around their own beliefs, but somehow I doubt it. Perhaps the Students can welcome in the diaspora of ex-witnesses over time.

    Regardeless, hopefully ex-jubs will not forget to take care of their spiritual side. I've seen a lot of ex-JWs become lost hedonists, who are so scarred by the hierarchy of the Watchtower that they cannot allow their singed spiritual nerve system to heal.

  • TR

    Thanks, JT.

    Maybe there should be a reality TV show called "The Wacky Wacky World Of The WTS".


  • JeffT

    Interesting, when I was first assimilated, that is what I thought I was joining: a fellowship of people that came together to study the Bible. They never tell you the full story, that you can't question, disfellowshipping, etc. until you are too far in to get back out. (At least not easily.)

  • Maverick

    I am not a conspiracy buff, but if you wanted to turn intelligent, sincere, caring people away from anything having to do with God just follow what the Governing Body has none. They seem to have a formula for alienating the best and the brightest. Many of which come to detest anything even remotely religious! If they can't control you spiritually, then they try to ruin you spiritually. And, sadly with this they have had much success! Maverick

  • jimbob
    jimbob are indeed a wise man. I've always agreed with you 100% on all your posts, and this is not any different. It is indeed sad how you are looked upon as going against god if you don't agree with every little thing the Society says you should believe. Control at it's finest!!

  • Black Man
    Black Man

    Once again JT, excellent thread...............

    This is at the core of what's wrong with the WTS. When they were just "bible students" their motives were a lot more purer. The environment wasn't quite as ripe for spiritual politics and bureacracy to take over. This was when they really seemed to respect personal conscience and free will. The minute they instituted the faithful-and-discreet-slave dogma was the beginning of the end and the point where they went from being a group of bible students to a cult.

  • Singing Man
    Singing Man

    Yeh really, so many of us were raised in the so called truth" and had to be kicked around a bunch mentaly before we woke up to the fact that God is not directing each and everything they think say and do. Yes it is sad.

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