This board like a headache

by Bhagavad 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jourles

    Hey now, let's not all gang up on Bhagavad . Afterall, he must be the proud father of the teenager in this article:

    LONDON (Reuters) - An English essay written by a teenager in text messaging short-hand has reignited concern among teachers that literacy standards are under threat.

    The Daily Telegraph newspaper reported on Monday that the 13-year-old's teacher could not decipher what the youngster had written.

    "I could not believe what I was seeing. The page was riddled with hieroglyphics, many of which I simply could not translate," the teacher told the newspaper.

    The teenager's essay which caused the problem began:

    "My smmr hols wr CWOT. B4, we used 2go2 NY 2C my bro, his GF & thr 3 :- kids FTF. ILNY, it's a gr8 plc."

    In translation:

    "My summer holidays were a complete waste of time. Before, we used to go to New York to see my brother, his girlfriend and their three screaming kids face to face. I love New York. It's a great place."

    Judith Gillespie, of the Scottish Parent Teacher Council, told the newspaper a decline in grammar and written English was partly linked to the text messaging craze.

    "Pupils think orally and write phonetically," she said.
  • blackout

    Larf my ars' offf!!!!!! '

    this is the funniest thread I have ever read, what a joker!!!!

  • JH

    I use this dictionary and make less mistakes. Look at the definition of troll below.

  • chachasmum

    DITTO Blackout

    I came home dog tired turned on my computer to see the latest threads.I could not stop laughing. That was sooooo funny. thought i was going to split my sides.Oh well!!!

  • qwerty


    I hope your comments don't put 2 to too two many new visitors off from posting!

    Maybe the headache is more to do with something else?................

    Qwerty......(the worlds useless smeller)

  • SYN

    Usually whenever I post I read my post before hitting "Submit", but the occasional grammatical cockup still gets past my (admittedly paltry) defenses. It's probably because I'm not spiritually mature enough or something.

    Oh, and you have a lot of nerve to deride people for not crossing their t's and dotting their i's in a post labelled "THIS BOARD LIKE A HEADACHE". Sheesh. The irony is so thick you could probably cut it with a knife, or failing that, a large truncheon. If you're going to come out fighting with your fists raised in the air like that on a public board, please ensure that said fists are not still in your pockets!

    Edited to add: And by the way, my first language isn't English, dude. It's actually my second language. And even I can tell you that your title looks a bit dodgy! How's that for even more irony! Heheheh! Just pulling your leg, don't take offense, but you must agree, this was not the wisest of titles for a thread with the subject matter you chose

  • dedalus

    Good replie s, but Bhagavad isn't going to read them until immediately.

    The only time I'll be back to look at it is immediately, just to see if I've been proscripted (look in the dictionary) for saying "moron" and "shit."

    Didn't anyone ever tell Bhagavad about the inherent awkwardness of the passive voice?


  • COMF
    just to see if I've been proscripted (look in the dictionary)
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    Suggestions for proscripted:
     1. poor-spirited 2. proscribed 3. prescripts 4. prescript 5. procryptic 6. pre-Socratics 7. pre-Socratic 8. prescribed 9. prosequitur 10. poor-spiritedly

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