Latest Leaked BOE letter to Elders Oct. 4th

by Watchtower-Free 135 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • never a jw
    never a jw
    "Kingdom" Ministry gone. Slowly but surely getting rid of millenarian connotations and replacing them with more mainstream titles like "Christian life"
  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    I just want to say ''Thanks'' to the person who leaked this. Like others have said before, this letter leaked more than a week in advance, its understandable that only a handful of people would have access to that letter.

    It must have taken great courage to leak this letter. I (we) all appreciate these leaked letters, it really serves as a heads-up so to speak as to whatever comes down the pipe. We know the Borg monitors this site, and I must agree that the Borg must be just livid now that they know this has been leaked.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer
    So now they have a simplified version of the simple book?
    Good grief!

    Why not? Franz is gone! Just think they have Splane, who makes about as much sense as screen doors on a submarine talking about the generation double-lap!! They have little choice but to simplify the simple!!!

  • konceptual99


    The midweek meeting - What no School? If they really dispense with it where are the future speakers going to come from? We only got to be able to give public talks because of it.

    Er, you are assuming that the public talks will continue to be given by local elders. They will be video presentations from Bethel or fecking Caleb and Sophia cartoons in case anything else is too intellectual.

  • Tech49

    I absolutely concur with konceptual99..... public talks given by Real Men will be replaced by videos, and pre-recorded sessions direct from the GB, much like the video programs that are included in the Morning Worship sessions. This will eliminate ANY and ALL personalized discussions and "talks" that are subject to individual study and research. NO MORE will there be any place to interject YOUR personalized viewpoint.

    No longer will there be a requirement for THINKING. Your services are no longer required.

    GET IN LINE, sheeple. All Hail the Great GB !!

  • Oubliette

    So now they have a simplified version of the simple book?

    Yeppers, It's Jee-HO-vah's edjucashional program.

  • StephaneLaliberte
    They probably realized that not enough people were actually listening to JW TV, so now, they are forcing it on them by assigning a timeslot to it in their meetings.
  • Cadellin

    This is rebranding to save a sinking ship. But wow--I never expected it to be so drastic. Yes, no doubt that this part of the continued abatement of any participants' creative thinking skills. The Theo. Min. School used to be the most interesting part of the meeting, esp. when someone would (occasionally) get creative and then the counsel was always interesting, esp. when it was actual counsel instead of a pat on the back. Now, packaged videos from Mother and a pretty coloring book. Yikes.

    And how in holy hell could the Bible Teach book get any more simplified??? It's already at about a Grade Four reading level. The target audience must indeed be developmentally disabled persons or those who are completely illiterate--those least likely to see through the craziness. So sad.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro
    Wow, the elimination of the school is likely going to make many JWs happy. Of course, those presentations will still need to be handled and you know they aren't going to be done by elders. I wonder if they will have a procedure for determining who can do the presentations? Of course they will, they micromanage everything. Very interesting to see how that plays out.
  • respectful_observer
    The target audience must indeed be developmentally disabled persons or those who are completely illiterate--those least likely to see through the craziness.

    I don't know about you, but in my area that's a pretty apt description of most "interested ones" who show up for their first meeting.

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