Why are JW's THIS blind?

by BoogerMan 41 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    James Tabor (at the web page I mentioned in my prior post) says the following regarding his reconstruction and the Revelation's use of the name John. "Some scholars have associated such a version of this text with a figure like John the Baptizer (Yochanan haMatvil). Accordingly, the name of the Seer as John/Yochanan has been left intact."

    I probably should stop trying to make sense of the book of Revelation and to completely stop reading it, but it is very hard for me to do such. Except when composing atheistic criticisms of the rest of the Bible I probably should also stop reading the rest of the Bible, but that is also very hard for me to do. I wish that my upbringing hadn't instilled such a degree of interest in the Bible. If I wasn't so desirous in discovering problems with the Bible (in order to write criticisms of the Bible and to promote atheism) I might would have stopped reading the Bible years ago. But maybe even then I would still be reading the Bible, since parts of it are an interesting puzzle to attempt to solve and since parts of the Bible have accurate historical content, and even some interesting stories.

  • peacefulpete

    I understand.. Christian origins and early development is a puzzle with a lot of pieces missing. Even so, I really enjoy the detective work.

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