"Intelligent" Witnesses

by megaboy 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • megaboy

    Ah I assumed the biggest block for the others was that they NEED somewhere else to go. Unfortunately the best thing they can do is do personal study and gather with like minded individuals only looking to knowlegable people who have earned their personal trust.

  • freemindfade

    It's become very topical and shallow. It's all about platitudes and Instagram posts.

  • Vidiot

    There've been plenty of intelligent JWs.

    We know, 'cause they invariably end up here. :smirk:

  • Vidiot
    megaboy - "I assumed the biggest block for the others was that they NEED somewhere else to go..."

    It's true for some.

    Realizing that I actually didn't was one of my benchmarks, as it happens.

  • Steel

    I got into a debate one time with a Christian guy about jesus as god in the flesh. He didnt waste his time with the typical proof texts and such because most of that has been changed in new world translation. He showed me how the new testament referances the old testament and what the authors were talking about. Especially the direct references to word of the lord in the old testament. It was pretty straight foward. I even doubled checked it against secular sources like Bart Erham and it was pretty much the same.

    Now you can question the legitimacy of the bible but you really question the authors intent.

    Then i tried to pin down my beliefs as a witness (unbaptised). I then realized that i didn't have any. I could'nt pin down any tenets of my faith. All i did was go door to door with a briefcase full of books playing silly bugger full of ridiculous circular nonsense that i didnt understand.

    Then i realized no on understood it. Doctors, engineers, lawyers. We are all the same.

    It scares me.

  • dogon

    I think the cult gets most of its new members by breeding. They don't bring that many from the field. Not these days. If your brought up in the cult its hard to get past the trust you put in mom and dad have your best interest at heart.

  • Vidiot
    dogon - "I think the cult gets most of its new members by breeding..."


    Not gonna make much progress, then, considering their repressive attitudes about "breeding"... :smirk:

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