Would You Like To See Your Police Departments “Defunded”?

by minimus 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon
    We have a leader in the White House who has lead this country by dividing instead of bringing everyone together.

    You mean *had* ... but Obama is gone now.

    These modern day race relation issues started by his administration and the dems and have been escalated by them for political purposes.

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    Good I got dislikes my mission is over. Simon you misspelled trump. Lol. Still Totally ADD

  • phoenixrising

    ADD when you point out spelling you have no point.

  • Simon

    This is classic democrat hypocrisy:

    An LA city council president who wants to defund the LAPD has had a private LAPD detail guarding her own home for the last 3 months.

    They want to defund the police for YOU, but there will no doubt be special security for THEM.


  • truth_b_known

    After doing some additional thinking and reading of other's views on this topic I have started seeing things this way -

    Those who are at the forefront of demanding police reform will never be satisfied. If tomorrow all police agencies in the U.S. implement the changes and policies being demanded it won't be enough. It will only be enough when there is no law enforcement.

    The Utopian dream of a nation in which no criminal dies as a result of laws being enforced will also come in my Utopian dream where suspected criminals -

    • Don't run from the police when the police lawfully attempt to arrest them.
    • Don't evade the police in a vehicle resulting in a high speed pursuit.
    • Don't resist arrest when the police are lawfully attempting to arrest them.
    • Don't assault the police in an attempt to avoid arrest.
    • Don't Murder police in an attempt to avoid arrest.

    With freedom comes responsibility. The U.S. is a free nation. The citizens of a free nation police themselves. The U.S. is a constitutional republic and follows the rule of law. Laws are only pretty words written on paper if they are not enforced.

    Citizens in a free nation do not have a right to say, "I will not be arrested for my allegations of criminal activity. I will not stand trial by a jury of my peers. I will not accept their judgment or any punishment. I will not be held accountable for my actions. Keep your due process."

    I hope and pray the City Council of Minneapolis does abolish its police department. I have already come up with a title for a movie based on what will transpire. I call it "Black Hawk Down 2 - Minneapolis-Mogadishu".

  • minimus

    “ The utopian dream” is very accurate. They will never be satisfied with any concessions you give them. They are a CULT. They want you to bend your knee to them and be submissive and subservient to them and their cause.... keep dreaming 👌

  • truth_b_known

    When you see signs and chants of "Defund the Police" at these protests the media will try to tell you "what they actually mean." Instead, go directly to the source:


    MPD150 is an organization whose mission statement is to abolish all law enforcement from the City of Minneapolis. MPD150's core belief is that law enforcement's role in American society is to protect the rich and white from the poor and ethnic minorities. MPD150 states that all crime is a result of poverty and a lack of social services. MPD150 wants to replace policing with 100% social services.

    In the MPD150 FAQ section a question is presented "What happens if someone commits an armed robbery?" MPD150 answers first by stating that if everyone has a job no one will commit crime. Then they concede and say, "Well, sure. I guess someone could still hold up the US Bank in downtown Minneapolis. So I guess why could have a couple of public servants trained to handle those situations."

    This isn't a joke. They are real as a heart attack.

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    Sorry phoenixrising about that. It has been a learning disorder I have fought all my life. It has been very frustrating at times all my life. So I follow Wabi-Sabi. Embracing the imperfections of others or human made objects. ADD Still Totally

  • MeanMrMustard
    They want to defund the police for YOU, but there will no doubt be special security for THEM.

    I think it’s worse. Their platform is “No guns for you, just the police. Also, no police.”

  • minimus

    Get rid of guns. Get rid of police. What do you have to keep things in order?? Paramilitary groups!

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