On TV tonight! (Thursday)UPDATE

by Golden Girl 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    My daughter just told me that on our Channel 5 news tonight they are telling about another religion that is covering up child abuse!.. It is on at 10 PM central here. NBC news. I remember a while back a reporter was looking for interviews with St Louis XJW's. I wonder if this has something to do with it?.I don't know how widespread their coverage is but I will let you know if it is the JW's...

    On our chartercable it is channel 7. In St Louis, MO.!



    Well I just watched it!..It was so good!...It wasn't the tape that someone posted here. I wonder if they will show that tomorrow night? It is continued tomorrow night! I thought it was excellent. It was the same girl as on the tape mentioned here, but not Bill. They showed a JW family and interviewed the Dad (Not hers)...He said they had the bible to go by and it said 2 or 3 witnesses were needed! What an idiot. To admit that on national TV.

    They asked why it wasn't reported to the police. He said it wasn't their place. Then at the end the interviewer said it was the law in Missouri to report it and in Illinois it isn't. So they want to change the law in Illinois.

    Earlier when they interviewed the girl..she said when she told the elders...the Elders told her it was over and done with (She was 8 then) and to become more spiritual! (They didn't mention her parents tonight...maybe they will tomorrow night..didn't mention Pedophile Paradise either.)..

    They also showed the Silent Lamb website..I just thought the whole interview was excellent!..I taped it and I will tape tomorrow night also. They will be talking about the "Hidden files" of JW molesters!.. .GO Bill Bowen!!!!

    Bill may not be perfect..but he is getting something done!..

    I will update tomorrow night!...


    Edited by - Golden Girl on 13 February 2003 23:56:9

  • Org_2B_JUDGED

    Yes, Golden Girl, KSDK Channel 5 (St. Louis) will be airing Bill Bowen tonight at 10:00 central.

    Jeremiah 5:26 "For among MY PEOPLE there have been found wicked men (pedophiles,swindlers, etc). They keep peering (looking for an opportunity to act), as when birdcatchers crouch down. They have set a ruinous trap. It is men that they catch.

    Jeremiah 5:28 They have grown fat; they have become shiny (outward prosperity, organization has many investments, much property). They have overflowed with bad things. No LEGAL CASE have they pleaded, even the case of the fatherless boy(signifies those most vulnerable), that they may gain success (image,etc.) and the judgement of the poor ones they have not taken up...

  • Brandy5

    Does anyone know if this will air on the West Coast?


  • gumby

    I see no NBC program in Calif at 10 or any other time that is News. Will it air on the westcoast?


  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    When it is 10 here it is 8 in Calif. Don't know if that makes a difference..Still 10 o'clock news...


  • Brandy5

    Thank you both. I will try and watch it.


  • Org_2B_JUDGED

    This program is local to the St.Louis area only. It is not an NBC network program. I assume that it will be a very short segment. Preview is at www.KSDK.com

    Bill Bowen metions "Pedophile Paradise". I wish that he had never said that. There are real problems with this issue in the organization. The Elders seem to be entrapped in legalism. Can you imagine Jesus insisting upon TWO EYEWITNESSES if a child came to HIM with such accusations!!!?? The brothers seem not to have "The mind of Christ". This breaks my heart. But phrases like "Pedophile Paradise" only serve to alienate most witnesses. Some of the actions of Bill,(squeeling his tires in the Kingdom Hall parking lot for example) just serve to damage his credibility in the minds of most JW's. His effectiveness in the JW community to bring attention to this issue would have been so much greater if he would have behaved like the Presiding Overseer that he was. Most feel (that I have talked to) feel that this is a legitimate issue that was hijacked by apostates.

    I know most of you on this board reject Jehovah's Witnesses as having anything to do with the "Truth". I understand this. But this is not the same organization that I began associating with years ago. YES, the foolish prophecy interpretations were still there BUT , at least in my experience LOVE was evident in the rank and file brothers. Forget about Brooklyn. Jehovah doesn't live in NEW York.....

  • Pistoff
    But phrases like "Pedophile Paradise" only serve to alienate most witnesses. Some of the actions of Bill,(squeeling his tires in the Kingdom Hall parking lot for example) just serve to damage his credibility in the minds of most JW's. His effectiveness in the JW community to bring attention to this issue would have been so much greater if he would have behaved like the Presiding Overseer that he was. Most feel (that I have talked to) feel that this is a legitimate issue that was hijacked by apostates.

    Please. He could look like the lord himself, speak in dulcet tones and still 99% of the bros would still say he was doing Satan's work. I used to think this myself until I realized that it is typical witness mindset: he just can't be right, look at the way he squeals his tires. OR: ooooh he is describing the situation in just the right terminology, he must be right.

    The message is the message. It is a paradise for perverts--they have seldom been prosecuted.

    And witnesses will get used to the idea that yes, he is off the wall now and then and he is also right on the money about our congregations. Both things can be true, something that as witnesses we just don't get very often.

  • SloBoy

    RIGHT-ON PISTOFF!!!........or "he's not wearing a tie", "his hair's a little long", or "she's got a tatto"; I use to be caught-up in that same dynamic, always looking for a reason to invalidate the real "truth".

  • Org_2B_JUDGED

    Dear PISTOFF,

    I guess I have to agree with you to a point. As witnesses we ALWAYS look for some reason to discredit any idea that is not in lockstep with what has been ingrained into our minds as unadulterated truth. But in all areas of life people, not just witnesses, make judgements regarding others based upon appearance and behavior. Doesn't make it right, but it is a fact. Any messengers message, no matter how relevant, can be derailed by that messengers own behavior. Not unique to witnesses.

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