another business idea for watchtower PLC

by stan livedeath 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    its been mentioned before---care homes. in the UK there are a few ( no idea how many ) jireh care homes--loosely connected with the watchtower.

    but take this on board. the dubs are an ever aging customer base.

    in the UK, lots of the ageing population end their years in privately run care homes. if they have plenty of money--or equity in their property--then they pay the fees. but if they dont, having just a pension, then our local authorities pick up the bill..or most of it.

    so--the watchtower has an ever growing customer base--with the income guaranteed.

    but--on the other hand--the biggest outgoing is the staff cost.

    NOOO PROBLEM----think of the pioneers, the door knockers, the cart attendants, the construction volunteers. it wouldnt take too much persuation to get those volunteers to work for nothing where the need is great--in the watchtowewr care homes.

    in fact--its a 2 way benefit. the care volunteers get useful on the job training--for an NVQ in social care. for all i know the watchtower care home society can get funding for the training.

    "wordly" care homes are often crying out for staff--my wife regularly works 50 hours + a week in a nearby home because of staff shortages.

    so--to sum up the business plan.

    watchtower forms an arms-length company to use KH sale cash to buy sites to develope as care homes---built with volunteer labour

    an ever increasing customer base waiting to buy the service--with fees guaranteed ( in the UK )

    a large volunteer workforce ready to get stuck in. like bethel service.


    i'll leave it to some other smart arse to think up the spin the society will need to sell the idea to the dubs.

  • slimboyfat

    I mentioned this on another thread a couple of hours ago. The HQ in Chelmsford could be converted into a care home. The Christadelphians have done this. In fact care homes seems to be their main charitable activity now.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    yes--i read your earlier post Slim--thats what prompted me to write this thread.

  • Freedom rocks
    Freedom rocks

    Someone told me it costs a lot for a jw to stay in a jw care home

  • shepherdless

    The Catholics have been running lots of care homes, hospices etc in Aust for decades, if not longer. Other religions do as well. The SDA has a large care facility not that far from us. Watchtower (at least in Aust) is perhaps one of the few significant Christian religions that doesn’t.

    I actually mentioned the idea to my wife some time ago, the concept of building a care facility for elderly JWs. I said Watchtower is never going to build something like that, there are a lot of elderly JWs who don’t seem to have a lot of means and would be after something affordable. A business opportunity for someone.

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    I am not even vaguely an apologist for the WT cult but I have to say that these homes should not be a target for our criticism, not for financial reasons any way. I have a relative who lives in one and the amount she can pay was never an issue. She certainly has no pot of cash and that has never been an issue.The way that old people are cast aside by WT generally is shameful but this small initiative in the UK, at least scratches the surface.

    However, I really wouldn't want any one really close to me anywhere near the places. (My relative is an uber dub who is constantly is on the "last days" kick") Their idea of looking after their inmates is the daystext ritual, the WT study ritual etc. whilst inmates, men in suits and ties, women in their faded Sunday best drool out of the corner of their mouths.

    They are awful, grey, soulless places but not a get rich quick scheme.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    They are awful, grey, soulless places but not a get rich quick scheme.

    trust me--in the UK the private care home industry is a get rich scheme. ive seen it from the inside.

    so--with a good-growing client base---fee income guaranteed--and access to free labour..the watchtower couldnt go wrong. obviously subject to jehovahs blessing--of course.

  • sneekyapostate

    The one at Blackpool didn’t pass government standards. I remember seeing a leaked government report about it. I don’t remember it in detail but it was diabolical....

  • kramer

    Sorry guys, care homes in the UK are not a get rich quick scheme, private equity has made some money in the sector, but also got many fingers burned, there aren’t enough potential jw customers that can afford to top up the government allowances to make this an attractive segment to target. An operator may get to break even with some volunteer labour, that’s about it. As an investor, I know a bit about this sector.

  • kramer
    slimboyfat7 hours ago7 hours ago7 hours ago

    I mentioned this on another thread a couple of hours ago. The HQ in Chelmsford could be converted into a care home. The Christadelphians have done this. In fact care homes seems to be their main charitable activity now.

    why would you spend £95m on a site, then convert it to something that might make a couple of hundred grand a year if you are lucky, as a care home??

    chelmsford will get sold in 5 years for c.£50m

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