Just read that Carl Olof Jonsson died yesterday

by slimboyfat 362 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • dozy

    Sad to hear.

    Copies of some of Jonsson's correspondence with the GB is here https://www.mentesbereanas.info/en/letterscarlolofenglish/

    Initially they seemed reasonably responsive , but as the correspondence developed they became increasingly dismissive and even somewhat aggressive in anybody daring to question the "Faithful Slave". A pattern any of us who have written letters to the Branch will be familiar with.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    RIP Carl Olof Jonsson.

    Seems like he was an intellectually honest guy. Too good for the WTS.

  • Phizzy

    Sad news, a great man. Those letters, thanks Dozy for re-posting ! were a real shock to me when I first came across them shortly after I left the org. I was just at the point of writing to the org myself , about 1914, when I came across them, by which time they were 30 years old.

    It shocked me that the GB/org had known 1914 was bollocks for 30 years, but were still sticking with it ! Of course, their behaviour is no surprise now.

    The Org. was founded on lies, and is maintained by lies, what Irony, that they call it "the Truth" , it is the polar opposite.

  • Chevelle


    These were your words:

    (praising and then quickly minimizing his work in one sentence)

    "Thus, his research impressive as it may be to some, it was simply a replication of others' research."

    You pompous piece of shit.

  • Magnum

    slimboyfat, excellent synopsis!


    Las Malvinas son Argentinas: What stood out to me in reading Jonsson’s original treatise was not necessarily that he was trying to refute WT, but as a loyal member he was trying to correct information he found to be incorrect and misleading. It sounded like he was genuinely concerned and felt WT could benefit from such information.

    That's the exact impression I've always had.


    It seems to me that the GB members and other higher-ups back in the time of the Jonsson correspondence were at least somewhat able to comprehend Jonsson's work; some of them were at least somewhat scholarly (like Schroeder and Fred & Ray Franz). However, I don't think any of the current GB have the mental equipment to address the issue.


    Jonsson's death is a great loss. He wasn't the typical JW robot drone. He was a truthseeker. He was honest. He was intelligent. Most of his type have left JW land. It's getting to be more and more such that the only ones remaining therein are the ones who lack intellect and/or honesty and/or strength of character.

  • Rattigan350

    "secular history books don’t agree with Watchtower that Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 BCE, but instead place the event 20 years later. The reason the date is important is because it is the starting date for JW chronology which leads to 1914 as the end of the Gentile Times, and the beginning of the Last Days, as JWs understand it."

    His problem was like so many others is they didn't think outside the box. The box had the destruction of Jerusalem as the start of the gentile times and so the arguments ensued as to when the destruction was. And they all were trapped with the wrong start from the wrong understanding. So Carl was no one to look up to. Just a lost sheep leading many astray.

    The start of the Gentile times was not the destruction of Jerusalem. It's amazing that so many miss this.

    2 Samule 7:12 "When thy days are fulfilled, and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers, I will set up thy seed after thee, that shall proceed out of thy bowels, and I will establish his kingdom. 13 He shall build a house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom for ever. 16 And thy house and thy kingdom shall be made sure for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."

    That was a prophesy leading to Christ as being the seed that will be on the kingdom forever. Not dependent upon Jerusalem. Jesus never sat on the throne in Jerusalem. Infact David's descendants lost sovereignty and thus the throne was not established forever. So was Jehovah wrong?

    That prophesy was paused, in 607,before the destruction of Jerusalem, which happened in 587. And unpaused 2520 years later in 1914.

  • cofty

    'Scholar' and Ratty - you two were not fit to tie his shoelaces.

    Carl was an outstanding model of an intelligent independent thinker. The thing cult leaders fear most. RIP

  • peacefulpete

    He was sincere and yet troubled, that is something many of us can relate to. Taking months even years focused on such an obscure academic topic took a deep dedication. His work was valued by many thousands.

  • Gorb

    So much respect for Carl Olof Jonsson. This is not the time for critisism.

    Rest in peace 🙏🙏🙏


  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Carl Olaf Jonson, Raymond Franz and James Penton.

    Totally outstanding individuals who merit total respect and honour and praise for the work, research and books they released,

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