Hello everyone,
I hope this finds all of you well. I'm also hoping some of you might be able to help me with a particular type of de-witnessing strategy that I'm trying to develop more in my own discussions with active family members. It seems to me that analogy and metaphor plays a prominent role in the Society's teaching (critical thought killing) techniques. We all remember such gems as the dirty gutter lollipop that signified holiday celebrations with pagan origins, and the whiskey bottle IV that somehow showed that you shouldn't get a blood transfusion that were both in the Bible Teach book. (I never said they were good at it.)
I think that since Jw's learned some doctrine this way (or at least had it reinforced) and are therefore familiar with it and comfortable accepting conclusions drawn from this type of reasoning, it might be an effective way to reach them. My question is this: Have any of you found analogies or metaphors that have been effective at helping an active jw understand how or why a particular belief/practice/bible verse or interpretation/argument is wrong or untrue?
I'm trying to get a few really effective and clear analogies under my belt to have ready in addition to evidence based arguments, when the time comes.
Any help is much appreciated!