Watchtower lack of empathy for victim children stunned Royal Commission

by Esse quam videri 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Diogenesister

    I know I am gonna get panned for this but the chances are that perp was the victim of abuse himself. It's just a fact, one month ago he would have been a minor too. We have to break the cycle and educate.

    Violence is not the answer. I appreciate that if that was my kid I would feel the same way as the Dad but that is why we have a judiciary.

  • Ruby456

    DOT and Dio

    I'm glad that the father who beat up Frolander was not charged with any crime. I guess in this instance because the father came in on the crime being committed and was stopping it by his actions he was not charged.

  • ReligionOfHatred

    Defender can't we find another solution where the Pedophile is chemically castrated or have their sexual organs removed by the State?

    If they are truly sick in the head is it wrong to keep sick peope like this in jail or try alternative treatments?Nice post.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once
    Protecting your child is a universal right, whether its a molestation or the threat of physical violence. A father, even a mother, will go ballistic and its understood. The world is full of people who seek to fill natural desires in unnatural ways. You can't always see it coming. Education is the answer. Teach kids how to resist and to NOT clam up. Give them courage. Make them know you are in their corner. That's what this dad did very effectively. I think that victim will actually fare better because his dad KNOWS it was wrong and was forced on him, he has no guilt, his daddy beat the shit out of the guy who touched him. I think a lot of how abused children react depends on the way they are treated by their family. If they read shame, they will feel amped up shame. Unconditional love from parents has to be the one true healthy therapy. I knew a witness who's son was molested and the ahole actually called his son a fag. The boy was 12. God I hate this religion..
  • Gayle
    Now a days we are less barbaric,,,we get these perps in prison, and secretly hope they get their full justice in prison, if you know what I mean.
  • Vidiot

    I think that a lot of lower- and mid-level WT reps actually do have a measure of compassion and empathy for victims, but feel their hands are tied by the policy and ideological stranglehold the heirarchy has on them...

    ...after all, to defy WT directives - even passively - constitutes "apostasy", the absolute worst description JWs can label one of their own.


    As for the GB, authoritarian leaders - almost by definition - are sociopathic; they have no real sense of empathy or compassion... it's how they got to be leaders.

    In addition, I suspect that they're either so physically removed from it that they are only able to grasp it in purely clinical context, or they themselves have some ugly related history.

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    I too, thought this was going to be a thread showing a video compilation of the Royal Commission's (Stewart & McClellan) reactions. Because though they appear to be neutral, there are times they just can't help looking stunned and amazed at the testimony they are hearing.

    It would be great to get a compilation of that! I do realize the immensity of the task, though. Still, it would be great.

  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri
      Daniel1555 3 days ago

      Strange thread.

      I thought I would see something about the facial expression of justice Mc Clellan or Angus Stewart.

      Sorry I did not elaborate. Sometimes it's better to wonder why that thread? Why that wording? I certainly was not encouraging violence. However it struck me as strange that the 'worldly' people at the Royal Commission seemed to care about the well being of the child victims much more than the so-called 'elders'. In their subdued but probing way, these lawyers and judges were trying to make some sense of these men not understanding the importance of protecting the children. [ I should given more thought to posting the link. I did not like the photo that appeared. I regret it.]

    • defender of truth 3 days ago


      The OP is suggesting (i think) that the example of a father beating up a guy who was molesting his son, shows how strongly we should hate child abuse.

      At 2:55 the commentator notes that the young person did not feel comfortable in telling anyone about the abuse. What turmoil this child must have been going through. So often during the Royal Commission the subject of the victims having to confront the abuser in front of the judicial committee was repeated. The turmoil the victims endured in this atmosphere must have been almost unbearable. The whole focus of the 'Watchtower Society' has been to protect itself, whereas 'worldly people' focus on protecting the child. Where was the moral outrage when these 1006 incidents occurred? If the world expresses moral outrage, why did moral outrage not move one elder, not one, to go the police and report the crime? Not once! What should have been immediate action motivated by moral outrage was merely a clinical analysis of how the Organization would limit the damage to its reputation. In doing so its reputation is smeared to a greater degree.

      Now the saying is going to come true, " The sins they do one by one, they pay for two by two."

  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri

    • Muddy Waters

      I too, thought this was going to be a thread showing a video compilation of the Royal Commission's (Stewart & McClellan) reactions. Because though they appear to be neutral, there are times they just can't help looking stunned and amazed at the testimony they are hearing.

      It would be great to get a compilation of that! I do realize the immensity of the task, though. Still, it would be great.

      Great idea! Anyone have the time?

  • Gayle
    Even tho at the end of the hearing , tho Jackson tried to express empathy for the victim, he still in the end wanted to caution the court, to be cautious as children some times are influenced by a parent ,(,as in custody cases for example). His motive to bring that up was an effort to suggest some youth could lie with assistance from an adult (as we know how Lett said "apostates" are making this all up against the organization). Did anyone catch that at the end of Day 8, Part 2?? He is so dishonest!

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