CBC's Fifth Estate has struck before ... see this!

by reporter 17 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Don Smith
    Don Smith

    Sorry GUYS but its getting late out here ,12 midnite and iam getting tired ,past my bedtime but if you feel unsure about my identity you can check with Walter Belababa or silent lambs ,Rosalie ect.

    Let me know Don Smith Or check with Ken Little Canadian branch overseer . When i went back to visit my son David in Thunder Bay Ont Canada the cct overseer approached my bro. Albert who stills goes to the meetings and told albert that i was a dangerous person and wanted Albert to concurr . Instead he called me and i asked him the name of the cct overseer and to whom he was to contact . Albert told me he was to convey the the falsehoods on to Robert Grainger . So i went to the Provincial Police and put in a report that a dangerous person was in town . Next i called at the home of Robert and confronted him with what Albert told me and like a GOOD JW denied knowing the cct.overseer. I then called my brother in law Joe Norman city overseer and he acknowledged knowing Henry the cct overseer but terminated the call by stating he had nothing futher to say and hung upon me

    Apparently JWS are afraid of the TRUTH Goodnite All Don

  • hawkaw

    Hello Don and welcome .... I missed the post that someone said they were unsure of who you were.

    Thanks for the post and thank you "reporter" for posting the other story. Like I said there was also one done in 1982 on the shunning as well.

    This is stunning stuff and th emore and more that is brought out like this story, the more of a chance we got a stopping this nonsense.

    I hope you can follow through with Scully's suggestion.

    Take care and again thanks for the links.


  • mouthy

    Well Hello Don.I just logged on.I also have the video.... It is good to see you here. Remember when you were undercover?I am still keeping your name a secret-& low & behold here you are "out in the open" Full name also...I guess your not afraid of those who "loved" us so much....NOT!

    Give my love to Phylis ((((hug)))

    Grace Gough

  • metatron

    This stuff is marvelous! I love it! More and more proof that Watchtower leaders are habitual liars.

    More proof of 'Theocratic Warfare Strategy'

    To ruin their credibility completely would be a dream come true.


  • Gerard

    Told ya...The Fifth Estate likes kikin' hypocrites' butt!

    I'm buying popcorn and kick back to watch their next report on the WT.


    Edited by - Gerard on 13 January 2003 13:6:9

  • chasson


    Check your mail !!




    This was all too incredible to read. The program that will be coming up near the end of the month, will certainly be another huge eye opener.

    Does anyone; those in Canada especially, remember a show on CBC's "Rough Cuts" called: Children of Jehovah?

    It was a provocative account of various individuals of varying ages that had left the organization and were struggling to cope with their lives, minus the 'brothers and sisters'. It was really sad and tragic, but as honest as you could get.

    I am not sure of the year that the program or episode was on, but I seem to remember it was in the mid 1990s.

    Did anyone here, see it?

    Yes Gerard, Fifth Estate, likes to kick hypocritical butt. Looks good, doesn't it?

  • mouthy

    Yes I was on that Roughcuts T.V program........

    I was ticked about it though Because when the woman that did the documetary came to ask if we would do it.I said as long as she would let me say "It is not where will we gi it is ti WHOM we would go." she promised she would allow that -then at the end of my saying " the WT says we have no where to go & they are right" ---but she cut off "It is ti Christ we must go..

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