Clarifying This Weeks Watchtower...CTR Reference

by freemindfade 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • freemindfade

    What the Sunday Watchtard said...

    In 1876, an article written by Charles Taze Russell was published in the magazine Bible Examiner. That article, “Gentile Times: When Do They End?,” pointed to 1914 as a significant year. The article linked the “seven times” of Daniel’s prophecy with “the appointed times of the nations” spoken of by Jesus.

    What Gentile Times: When Do They End? (1876) said....

    At the commencement of our Christian era, 606 years of this time had passed, (70 years captivity, and 536 from Cyrus to Christ) which deducted from 2520, would show that the seven times will end in A.D. 1914: when Jerusalem shall be delivered forever, and the Jew say of the Deliverer, “Lo, this is our God, we have waited for Him and He will save us.” When Gentile Governments shall have been dashed to pieces; when God shall have poured out of his fury upon the nation, and they acknowledge him King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

    So... it sounds like he didn't say it was "significant", it sounds like he said it was going to be Armageddon to me... But what do i know

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    This fact will have gone shooting over most J.W.'s. heads!!

    Active J.W.'s (in general) don't know that CTR promised the end of Satan's system in 1914 - not just the alleged end of the Gentile times!

  • cappytan

    It was an invisible fulfillment, don't you know FMF?

    It happened, we just couldn't see it.

  • DesirousOfChange

    That's just old light.

    Besides, CTR was NO ONE. They've thrown him "under the bus". CJ didn't even appoint the F&DS until 1919 when WTR was already dead.

    Ya gotta keep up with the Chariot!


  • steve2

    It happened. The world ended in 1914. CTR was correct. There were no adjustments. Let it go. Move on.

  • wifibandit

    I showed the wife the last two paragraphs of that 1876 article

    We will ask, but not now answer, another question: If the Gentile Times end in 1914, (and there are many other and clearer evidences pointing to the same time) and we are told that it shall be with fury poured out; a time of trouble such as never was before, nor ever shall be; a day of wrath, etc., how long before does the church escape? as Jesus says, “watch, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape those things coming upon the world.”

    Brethren, the taking by Christ of His Bride, is evidently, one of the first acts in the Judgment; for judgment must begin at the house of God.

    and showed her the "countdown card" pictured in the 2014 yearbook as further proof that they thought it would be THE END, not the start.

  • stuckinarut2

    99% of witnesses have NO IDEA about these previous writings and teachings......

    And if you point it out, you will be branded as a troublemaker....

  • steve2
    Faith in this system's end cannot bear the weight of earlier false expectations.
  • Lemonp

    I answered up for this question: "Brother Russel taught that Christ's presence began in 1874 and that Armageddon would come in 1914"

    The Conductor was a bit flustered.

    This paragraph was very deceiving:

    "When the time approached for God’s Kingdom in the hands of Jesus to start ruling from heaven, Jehovah helped his people to understand the timing of events. In 1876, an article written by Charles Taze Russell was published in the magazine Bible Examiner.That article, “Gentile Times: When Do They End?,” pointed to 1914 as a significant year. The article linked the “seven times” of Daniel’s prophecy with “the appointed times of the nations” spoken of by Jesus."

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    My comments on CTR's article is available at:

    Note that Russell had two parallel fulfilments for 1914:

    (1) Jerusalem would ceased to be trodden on by the Gentiles and

    (2) Gentile nations would be dashed to pieces.

    In that article, Russell said that Nebuchadnezzar symbolised the fate of the Gentile nations; today the WTS says that Nebuchadnezzar symbolised the fate of God's kingdom.

    He might have pointed to 1914 (among a number of other dates - such as 1874 for the Parousia and 1878 for the closing of the door) but the WTS is very coy about revealing the what the significance was.


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