My mother

by Soledad 11 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Soledad

    Forgive me just really venting here. As some of you may know my mom suffered an accident about 1 month ago, she fell down a flight of stairs. Luckily she didnt break anything, she just had a minor concussion and some stitches on her head. Today we were discussing what happened, I told her that I found it highly unusual that she would fall like that, we've been in this house for 24 years, even in the dark I'm pretty sure that I could find my way around. Then she said it. "I dont remember falling, but I remember feeling a strong draft of very cold air right before it happened. I think there are demons in this house again."

    Now just to explain a little, we have Brazilian tenants occupying the first floor. Apparently they belong to some evangelical/Pentecostal/Santeria type of religion. Of course mom objects to this. So now she is convinced that someone put some kind of curse or spell on her. Its true that the people downstairs have not bothered to inquire about her condition; I know that they know that she fell. But other than that I personally have nothing against them, and they seem to be ok peoplethey work and pay their rent when its due without any problems. But mom would like to see them go.

    I didnt want to discuss this any further with my mother, but I was quite upset. There are times when I just want to take my mother by the shoulders and just shake her really hard, and beg her to wake up! I am so sick and tired of how the damn watchtower bible and crap society puts these ideas in her head!!! It sickens me how I cant even have a normal conversation with her, much less a normal relationship because of that damn religion. All that comes out of her mouth is dogma, dogma and more dogma. Its like, where is she underneath all those layers of watchtower crap? Who is she really? But my hands are tied. I try really hard to respect her point of view, which of course I am more than familiar with, and not get in the way of what she truly believes is the truth, but it gets harder and more frustrating everyday. It drives me insane when all she could do is quote from the latest Awake!, rather than take the time to think and research topics on her own. It drives me even further insane when the so called brothers and sisters just use her, asking her incessantly for favors, but when she needs something, who is there? Nobody!

    I just told her quite frankly that this house is very drafty, that the night she fell was in fact very very cold, and that demons dont exist once you stop believing in them, which is what stopped the attacks that I suffered while I was a JW. More on this later. Thanks for letting me vent.

    Edited by - Soledad on 11 January 2003 21:56:38

  • jurs


    Vent away!!!!! I am glad to hear your mom is ok. I thought your comment about "who your mother really is, underneath all the watchtower dogma" was especially interesting. I went through an identity crisis after I left but I just now realized it after reading your post. After I left I had to rethink many ideas and try and figure out what I really believed or felt. It is rather sad that you really don't know your mom but even sadder that she probably doesn't even know herself!!

    I enjoyed your post


  • Debz
    Its like, where is she underneath all those layers of watchtower crap? Who is she really?

    Yes.....vent away! I think most of us with parents still in have this experience...wouldn`t it be like to find out WHO they really are without all that overlay of zealot `unmoveable` beliefs....I often wonder what sort of a life we all could have lived!!!!.......I guess the only bit of comfort is that there are all of us here on the board that can relate to what you are going through!...

  • Shakita

    It is hard to reason with someone when they are being unreasonable. Your Mom seems alittle bit distracted by the people who are renting from you, a curse?, not likely. It is much easier to blame our misfortunes in life on the unseen and unexplainable, then to just face the fact that we made a mistake.

    "I dont remember falling, but I remember feeling a strong draft of very cold air right before it happened. I think there are demons in this house again."

    Again? You had demons in your house before?

    Mrs. Shakita

  • ugg

    you don't give your mom's age??? if she is elderly she may never beable to is sad,,,how ingrained the societies doctrines become in all of her,,,,she will always treasure that...

    ps...glad she was not hurt in the fall...she is very fortunate...

  • D8TA
    Now just to explain a little, we have Brazilian tenants occupying the first floor. Apparently they belong to some evangelical/Pentecostal/Santeria type of religion. Of course mom objects to this. So now she is convinced that someone put some kind of curse or spell on her.

    * calls up ex-wife (Brazilian) *

    * directs her to post *

    "Yep, right there, told ya. Brazilians are evil damn it! You wanted proof..weeeelllll...there's your proof!"

    * hangs up *

    All kidding aside, (and currently being surrounded by both Brazilians and stairs)...your mom's fall was awful.

    This "demon" stuff always brings back memories (in which seem comical now) about my mom (and others at the Kingdom hall) attributing accidents or behaviors to: Satan & His Demunz.

    Reading a book about Catholic History? Hey, better watch it buddy, Satan & His Demons are trying to mislead you.

    Smurfs? Demunz!

    Buying an ATARI 2600 game about Raiders of the Lost Ark? Take a guess. Cooome oooon, just take a guess. Satan & HIS DEMUNZ! ( Hey, remind me some time to tell you the experience I had with that'll make you spot! Even has some insane "elder's" counsel with it as a bonus!)

    It, to this day, amazes me at the WTBTS still using this "Satan/demon" fear tactic. If you think about it, to one who accepts such, it's the "cure all" to most problems Witnesses face. The "scapegoat" for the mysterious.

    You know, come to remember it, it was always the adults who talked about "Satan & His Demons" and it was us kids that sat there and mad fun of them for saying it.

  • Stephanus

    Soledad, glad your mum is recovering. If there is any amusing aspect to this situation, as a former Pentecostal I can tell you that it's an ironic situation, because if the tennants know you're Dubs, they will be just as convinced that any creepy occurrences are coming from upstairs, due to your demonic JW religiong! Pentecostals are as frightened of demons as Dubs - they'll talk about demons attached to objects, generational spirits ("your great grandmother was a spirit medium? You're cursed - let us cast those spirits out!"), etc. You might find those tennants glad to leave if they're that kind of Pentecostal...

  • Aztec

    Soledad, just wanted to say I enjoyed your post! Thank you for sharing!


  • Skeptic

    Soledad, I understand your frustation. My ex was like that.

    My sons complained that they could not have a normal conversation because she filtered everything through a Watchtower filter. She is still like that to an extent.


  • BluesBrother

    Sorry to hear of your mother's fall, and I hope she is recovering now.

    It is sad that some dubs want to attribute everything to either a blessing from Jehovah or an attack by Satan . I have certainly met several like that in my time .

    In fact, the printed doctrine is not so black and white and many others in the cong. do not think that way.

    Since she will only,apparently , respect the views of those within - could you encourage her to speak to a relatively down to earth elder(Yes, one or two do exist) . Perhaps he could help her to see things in a spirit of reasonableness.

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