by Scully 22 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • ugg

    (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( scully )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  • hawkaw

    Just to pass on a message.

    Talked to Scully this morning. I suggested her to read the Newsweek article page 68, June 24, 2002 edition. It gives the Canadian product and also gives the Hamilton hospital where it was used in so hopefully that will help.

    Apparently the surgery is postoned for a while so hopefully that will give everyone time to get their act together.

    Thank you everyone and Scully!!!


  • Utopian_Raindrops

    Thank-you so much hawkaw for posting that!

    I woke up a wee bit worried this morning but am relieved they have time to make arrangements the way the patient wants them.

    I think we can unpost the medical directive now as the sister will be able to use her own Canadian one. Very cool!

    Ciao 4 now,


  • acsot


    Had our meeting last night, given our Medical Directive cards (hmm, haven't filled mine out yet.......), then the elder said that with respect to HLC, it's the elders who are supposed to call and give the details as to the patient's condition, whether it's an emergency, blah, blah, blah (even when a patient's bleeding to death they have to follow their friggin' hierarchy).

    Can you find out where the patient's from and in any case, where are the elders? Shouldn't they be showing Christian love? support in time of emergency? or maybe the non-jw relatives not want them involved?

  • Cassandra Cain
    Cassandra Cain


    I had many thoughts like yours at meeting last night too.

    They even said the HLC was only for baptized JW only. I thought what about studies that wanted to comply and had an emergency or dissfellowshipped ones? They didnt mention disfellowshipped people.

    Im sure this is more about lawsuits unfortunately.

    Had an old pioneer bro tell me years ago how so many people were suing The Society and that they were forced to make rules to avoid all the lawsuits.

    If god is on your side why would that even matter?

    What can you expect from a corporation anyway?

    Ciao 4now,


    Edited to say....This is Utopian_Raindrops....used my daughters nick by mistake!

    Edited by - Cassandra Cain on 10 January 2003 11:9:35

  • acsot

    Utopian Raindrops:

    If god is on your side why would that even matter?

    You are so right. It seems that the WTS is pretty quick to throw principles to the wind whenever a lawyer appears. I mean, if it's wrong, it's wrong, if it's right, it's right. And hang the consequences. Unless of course, you have just hired a kick-ass s.o.b. litigator to sue the pants off the WTS. Then wrong is right and right is wrong - isn't there a verse condemning this type of behaviour?

  • Utopian_Raindrops

    Hmmm, a scripture.something about offspring of vipers comes to mind

  • metatron_jr

    I hope this information doesn't come too late. There is a product called HemoLink that has successfully been used to treat Jehovah's Witnesses in Canada, it is very similar to Hemopure but is derived from human rather than cattle blood.

    There was an article written some time ago about a JW using HemoLink by Janet Wong at the University of Toronto. Her email is: [email protected]

    More information about HemoLink is available at the company website:

    Good Luck!

  • hawkaw

    metron jr.

    That info was given to scully and the Hamilton hospital location and the Doctor who used it in the Emergency ward ....

    Also other stuff was given too.

    But this person name is helpful too.



  • Scully

    Thank you, everyone, for all your help last night. I came home and talked to Hawkaw for a few minutes before going to bed, and I really appreciate that he was able to give you an update. I've got the Newsweek article and have faxed it to the hospital.

    The doctors and nurses are aware that the patient or their authorized family members should be the ones to initiate contact with the HLC, via her body of elders. We had that discussion last night. To their knowledge, there is no documentation on file with the hospital from the WTS or the HLC that requires hospital staff to contact the HLC. They have the same ethical and legal reservations about this demand as I have previously expressed regarding patient confidentiality.

    When I left the hospital this morning, they were still waiting for results from the patient's bloodwork that was done at 6am. The previous hemoglobin level was very low, hence the frenzy of activity trying to find a way to get the patient strong enough to handle surgery.

    Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your help and support.

    Love, Scully

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