Come on! NOTHING is Going To Refrom the WT!

by D8TA 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • TR

    The WTS only reforms itself over a period of years so the R&F won't notice. They don't come out publically and state that there is a problem. Then, they "tack" back to older views, thus negating any secret "reforms" they tried to do. This is one RETARDED religion. They do NOT want to be seen bending to the whims of their adherents.

    There are people who want reform within the WTS. Bill Bowen wants them to come clean and admit to their pedophile shielding policies, and change. Hell, who doesn't, at least for the sake of the kids? IF the WTS does this they will do it secretly and will only do it in their own good time, and never will they admit that there was a problem.

    The WTS elite are NOT humble people. They continually try to pass the buck and blame the R&F. I, for one, would not shed a tear if the GB and company were wiped out.


    Edited by - TR on 7 January 2003 12:37:19

  • LDH


    Or to quote their own bullshit, "Can a leopard change its spots?"

    Metatron said:

    It's simply an accumulated patchwork of speculations
    held together by repressive authority. Only organizational authority is central to the
    Watchtower, doctrine is always malleable.

    This is the basis for the belief system know as the Jehoober's Witnesses.

    For any of you that don't know what malleable means, an object that is malleable can be bent, formed, changed.


    Huked on Fonix werked fer me! Class

  • jgnat

    I hope for reform for several reasons. First of all, I have concluded that the organization as it stands does great harm to many people. It is unlikely, however, that the WTS will disappear any day soon. If we can't KILL the monster, maybe we can pull out some of his teeth. He then does less damage. Fewer people harmed. I agree that reform would not entice a former member back. However, with six million members IN, I think it unlikely all are going "apostate" any day soon. It would be better if people who are IN or STUCK IN, were in a kinder, gentler organization. Wouldn't it be great if they were not threatened with DESTRUCTION if they wandered a bit from the party line? Wouldn't it be great if a faithful witness was not banned from associating with a loved one who has left the society?

    I agree with what metatron said,

    Reform comes from:

    1) the threat of legal action and loss of money
    2) public humiliation and exposure of the organization
    3) - and least of all - the effect on publishers - who are willing dupes.

    Government intervention is worse than useless. If the government muzzles the monster, the more the monster can cry "martyr". If WT policies start hurting the pocketbook, however, I believe they WILL change. I would never have believed the Berlin Wall could come down, but it has. The World Wide Church of God reformed, at great cost to it's membership. So I know such things are possible.

    Couldn't the WTS be "encouraged" toward reform - by hurting them where it matters most - the pocketbook - without using the R word?

  • cruzanheart
    It's simply an accumulated patchwork of speculations held together by repressive authority.

    That is the best description of the current state of affairs at WTBS that I've ever heard.

    Metatron, YOU da man.

  • LovesDubs

    I think like anything that sees its demise coming, its enemy advancing, its members and numbers thinning and cowering, its foundation being exposed, its lies being uncovered, it is not reforming, it is CLOSING RANKS. Yes, its changing shape, yes its revising, shifting, splitting, regrouping, spitting at its attackers and adversaries...but changing itself? Nah. Like a rolly polly bug, when it feels squishing is imminent, it rolls itself up into a ball. Has it changed its appearance? Yes...but inside its still the lousy slimey pest it ever was.

    I think it will die out...a slow lingering screaming nasty death...with the loyal hanging on by their fingernails. But each year, it will become progressively more difficult for them to recruit members with brains or money, and without money...they die.

  • PopeOfEruke

    I just hope the see the day when God reforms the WT Society, just like he reformed Jericho.

    "And the walls came down, All the way to hell............."

    The Pope

  • LittleToe

    About 18 months ago, when I realised that the WTS was a crock, and prior to doing any research on the Net (which subsequently found me here ), I wondered about reform.
    I was being groomed as a C.O., and pondered whether I could do any good from the inside.

    Frankly the WTS is a heaving mass of putrifying stagnancy. I quickly gave up on the idea, and less that four months later I Disassociated myself. A year on, I don't regret that decision.

    Reform? Isn't that another term for "New light"(Tm).

  • ronin1

    The only "reform" is when we as individuals come into the "light" and realize the WTS is not the true religion.

    Then "we" "reform" ourselves and make the necessary changes not to be "suckered" by the WTS.


  • blondie

    You can't make chicken salad out of chicken s**t.


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