new, nowhere to turn, ashamed & afraid

by azzazel 106 Replies latest jw friends

  • nogs

    I just read the rest and I do think the others where harsh, sometimes though how we write things come across wrong. I can see why you would go into prostitution, to help put food on the table to feed your babies. When you say you were on income support, does that mean you are from Britain???? I too spent 5 years living in a cold council house on income support, the toughest time of my life. I lived in a city called Hull, were there is a high unemployment. I took out a 10 thausand pound loan out and moved to Devon were their is low unemployment. I too had no job experience having never worked before, I had no Qualifications either. I got a part-time job in a department store, then a job in a call center then a stroke of luck I now work for a bank in research, you see will I worked I did day classes at a local college to give me computer skills. I have a six year old and whist i was woking at the department store, I applyed for working families tax credit and the pay for most of the childcare. That is always an option for you if you want to get out of prostitution. I don't think you will make as much money, infact you will suffer for a while but I fear if you continue your depression will get worse and you might do something silly and those delightful babies of yours will be orphaned.

    Reply and let me know what you think of my thoughts

  • expatbrit


    This isn't to do with the thread topic, but having just read your pocket-bio above, I had to say:



  • beroea

    Dear Azzazel

    It touches my heart to read your story. I real shepherd are always looking for good things to do to the ones in needs and problems. Not approving the nature of the evil flesh but to take the falling ones by the hand at show it another way and walk together with the person on the on that way until the person are strong enough to walk by its self. Not to please man but God. I have been elder for nearly 15 year and am still acting like this, but see a lot of wrong things making me consider my future position.

    My advise to you are as I have said to others in your situation. Jesus Christ is always with you whatever man is doing against you. Nothing is able to split you from the love and forgivingness by Christ. Read the Romans 8: 35-39.

    Faith/salvation and JW are separated things. But you must find your own way - but trust you self. Don’t ever let the bad things turn you down? Life is a gift so give your self the change to se smile and joy. Not easy doing I know, but give it a try. Out there are a lot of good things if we just take a closer look and sometimes forget our own troubles. There is a bridge over troubles waters.

    Wishing you the best

  • nogs

    Are you still reading the posts on the computer Azzell?

  • Englishman

    Azzazels story sounds like something that Her Ladyship would read and snivel at in a Catherine Cookson story.

    Presumably she was ravaged by the local squires son (the one with the silver lick in his forelock) before being thrown onto the streets of Spittlefields where Jack the Ripper is lying in wait.......

    I notice that the attacks on the outspoken members of this board were also attacks on those who are particularly good at expressing themselves, and who are also spectacularly skilful at nobbling the WTBTS.

    Methinks this is a mischievous post meant to undermine the anti-JW contingent, I don't believe a word of it.


  • nogs

    well thats a good attitude considering she came on here for help, what would you believe englishman, a life story perhaps in the vein of Enid Blyton???

    You truly are an heartless curd, Englishman


  • Prisca

    HEY - don't knock Enid Blyton! I grew up with her stories and it didn't affect me!

    P.S. But I find it hard to believe Azzazel's story. Go beyond the sob story and you will see a troll trying to pull certain strings. It's happened before, and I'm afraid it'll happen again.

  • Englishman


    No, I'm not heartless at all, I'm a good friend to have in times of trouble. I'd be down the M5 like a shot if you had a problem. Is it Tiverton or Exeter?

    This person isn't in trouble, this person is trolling. The post is sickening to say the least, particularly where she repeatedly says to Tina "I knew you'd say that, I knew you'd say that".

    Also, she / he /whatever lambasted respected persons on this board under the guise of being emotionally wounded, an "I can lash out but if you retaliate I'll cry" sort of mentality.

    One thing is for sure, she was spot on in her judgement of who would not humour her!

    Bye the way, has any one heard from Focus lately? Hmmmm!


  • goo


  • Englishman


    I take it that you are the strong silent type!


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