was a very nice old fellow, very humble-- one of the few GB who was actually known for Preaching- he was always doing street work
i recall seeing Gamga getting into the backseat of the bethelites car that he rode with and Gangas was riding on the HUMP - to me it says the Slave is humble- he could have had a Driver like the other GBs but nope he rode on the HUMP IN a little Toyota
Grant Suiter_ Mr Biz Man himself- i recall one day that someone accidently took his Hat out of the coatroom - he annouced at the lunch table to return it and all you have to do is look inside to see his Intials were engraved inside- truly a corporate man- i have heard the stories of all the Diamonds and jewels he used to have that he got from the bro and sisters who died and willed everything to the society he ran the Treasurer dept- he would pay for it but i'm sure it was pennies on the dollar
Freddy- we use to go and sit in the Steam room 25 deep with guys to hear him tell stories and answer bible questions
I used to live on the 9th floor of 124 and he was down the hall- one day i came in early for a watchman duty and i asked the housekeeper if i could see his room and it was so PLAIN JANE AT that point i had it reaffirmed to me that this was the truth a truly humble man
Potzenger- the german bro_ we had him and Getrude up to our room one night when we had some bro from Harlem up and he related exp of being in the concentration camps DEEEEEEEEEEP
BOOTH - he was just so slow good man but just so slow
Barry- loved the japaness bro and always dogged the western bro for not pioneering enough he was a missionary over there and it was like his home
BArr- i truly loved this bro - he was so much like a father to many of us- his mild tone and soft voice everyone loved him
Swingle - he could scare the Sh!t out of you- he had these eyebrows man that were like 3 inches on both sides of his head-
Henschel- we always thought that his dad work as an SS officer- very tall mild manner guy thogh
Dan Sydlick - my favorite --he was like a "Brotha" cool white dude
he was an old dog who married this young tender fine thing out of europe i understand- i will never for get oneday about 5 of us single guys were on the elevator in the Towers building, it stopped and Dan and Mariana got on -then it went up and stoppe don thier floor and they stepp off and Dan SMACK her right across the BUTT, looked back at us and said "YOU CAN'T DO THAT!"
now here is the MACK DADDY OF THEM ALL
TEDDY JARAZ- NOW this was one guy who i was scared of- this dude had like LASER EYES
I saw him dogged this bethelite one night- we used to be able to exit out of the 107 building 24/7 that is the one with the nice garden and fountain-
anyway it was about 10PM we were coming into the 124- this guy was exiting the 107 and Teddy was coming up the hill from 25 columbia
he he failed to slam the gate close-
Jaraz yelled at him and the bro came back and he gave this young guy a tongue lashing like i never seen - WE WEre ON THE GROUND LAUGHING AT HIm. at the time we thought it was the funniest thing we had ever seen - hey i was dumb in those days i worked for free_
then in less than 24 hours an annoucement was made NO MORE NIGHT EXIT
A THAT point i came to understand what was often times called the 2400 RULE where one person does something wrong and they make a rule that Dogs 2400 other folks
well i just merley skimmed the surface, but what makes it so sad looking back is that i'm sure some of those old dudes after yrs of sniffing WT dope they actually believed they spoke for God
just my 2
PS Ray had just left when i got there