Gallstone Experience, etc.? Scully?

by patio34 23 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • patio34

    Hi Big Floppy Dog, mine was the sort of walking the floor like a woman in labor. Thanks for the story of yours. It really helps to know.

    Hi Lilacs, Nice to "see" you again! I'll keep protein and peanut butter in mind, believe me. Peanut butter packs a double whammy of protein and fat. I'm glad your surgery went okay.

    Target, having had numerous procedures in the past for my cancer, I don't have any tolerance for salty drinks they give you either. It immediately comes back up. I guess your throat has a memory reflex. I could tolerate it only the first time. Lol at being the 10th child and made from left overs!

    Hi Spaznik, I had already read that site and others like it. Thanks for your input--most of it anyway


  • ZazuWitts

    Hi Pat,

    I'm so sorry this is still such a painful problem for you. The one thing I've been greatful for considering my own medical problems, is that other than the spinal tap while hospitalized, I haven't had to deal with real and lasting pain. I just hope they can resolve the issue with the least possible trauma. And, hope you find a solution soon. (((Hugs)))

  • patio34

    Oh, hi Zazu!! Thanks for the kind thoughts! I was feeling a bit down after the recent attack and possible surgery, but then a thought popped into my mind that made me feel lots better. That thought was:


    Now that would be a real bummer!

    Take care and lots of hugs,


    Edited by - patio34 on 30 December 2002 14:9:4

  • patio34

    I did find a list of foods that did trigger gallstone attacks in people in studies. They were, in order of "offensiveness":

    egg, pork, onion, fowl, milk, coffee, citrus, corn, beans, and nuts.

    The meal before the attack was bean soup with onions. Maybe that was it.

    The book, Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine (which seems very sensible and conservative), also has a list of supplements to take and herbals that are claimed to have shown effectiveness in making things better (for lack of a sensible explanation). That list is staying with me at all times for a while. Plus, I'm going to have an appointment with a dietician for any further help.

    Since I've had abdominal surgergy before, Scully told me that the laporoscopy may not be possible., so I'll try a lot of other things first, if I have the option, rather than a major operation!

    Ah, life, ain't it grand? To live is to suffer, but once one realizes that and accepts it, then one can be happy. I think that's a Budhist concept.


    Edited by - patio34 on 30 December 2002 14:21:17

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