How do you see God?

by JH 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JH

    What kind of person do you think God is? Do you see God as your friend or are you in constant fear of being destroyed by him?

  • johnathanseagull

    Good question JH

    In the times I believe the big man is up there, I see him as a being who understands who I am, and takes me for who I am, that's all that matters to me

    J Gull

  • Realist

    neither nor.

    if something like GOD exists it can be considered the cause of the universe... but it obviously does not care about us...hence i don't fear it or hope for its help.

  • Undecided

    I sure hope he's not the one described by the Hebrew writers or I'm a goner. If he is the one described by the christain group of religions I'm destined for a hot eternity. If he made nature, I'm still headed for the dust.

    I hope he has the kind part of human nature as I might have a chance then.

    Ken P.

  • animal

    Who cares?


  • Mac



  • blondie

    "If only God would give me some clear sign! Like making a large deposit in my name at a Swiss bank." - Woody Allen

    "If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him." - Voltaire, ptre l'auteur du livre des trois imposteurs

    I certainly don't see him the way the WTS does.

    I'm a Voltairean.

    Blondie (who would rather believe there is a God than there isn't)

  • LittleToe

    John 9 doesn't just describe physical blindness...

  • Truth2Me

    Good question JH.....

    I definately believe that there is a creator who loves us.

    I was never close to my Dad, so it's hard for my to think of God/Creator/source as a loving father, but I do try to think of it/him/her that way. I believe that my creator is a loving and just God, who accepts my efforts to serve him and understand what he expects of me though I will fall short of his perfect standards. I try not to beat myself up anymore when I fall short of what I discern is what a loving creator would want me to do or say or think or not do or say or think.

    I have come to a place where I trust that my creator is a just and loving being and whatever happens to me when I die will be the right thing and that I will deserve it/etc, whatever that is.

    I also thorougly do not buy the lie that the Society is "God's Channel" and that God only works THROUGH THEM.....that was always a tough sell for me because I had seen God move in my life and in others lives in dependantly of the JWs all my life before I met the WTS. I ascertian from my own experience that God is real and does listen to anyone who reaches out for his/her for help and will bless anyone trying to seek him and to help others. Accepting that though, also means that God does use the JWs to help and draw people close to him, and I personally was one of those who really did benefit spiritually from my association with the WTS, BUT, a lot of people don't, and to say that we can only be close to God through any manmade org, to me is rediculous.

    I still consider myself a Christion, but not your "average Christian." I pray everyday, I think talking to God is always a good thing, at the least, it cannot hurt any.

    I could go on and on about this, as it's so important to me, but that's enough for now.


  • Robdar

    I believe that for the most part God is incomprehensible. S/he does reveal her/himself to use in little bits but that doesn't mean that we can understand.

    I think of God much in the way that I think my pets must consider me. They know I exist, but I puzzle them. There is no way that their minds can comprehend why I dance or chat on the phone, why I bathe in a shower, why I walk on 2 legs instead of 4, why I don't find happiness in chasing field mice or rabbits, why I yell at them to get off my kitchen counter or stop chewing my furniture, why I don't immediately get off the computer to give them treats when they ask me to.

    Even though my pets can't understand me, it gives me joy when they show me affection and try to be good pets. I enjoy my pets but do not expect them to understand me. They can't. Their understanding is physically limited by their brain size and their life's experience. I don't hold it against them and I do not think that the Creator holds it against us.


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