Best argument against a Jehovah's Witness?

by Happy 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    Every situation is different.Age, relationships, health concerns,finances etc.For me its now time to get my affairs in order.I sacrificed doing this by giving all I had to the Society for over 30yrs.Now I must give attention to my retirement days shortly ahead.So,I tell them the truth.I need to get my affairs in order so I'll be away for a while. There are financial considerations I need to clear up ,health concerns addressed,after life preparations and other family concerns that need my undivided attention.I now need to work more to get the resources $$$$ so I can fulfill these scriptural obligations that the slave has encouraged us to do before it is too late.All the things mentioned require $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. which the society has plenty of and I don't.After 30yrs I lost track of how much $$$$$$$$ I put in their pockets ( for the kingdom of course)now its time to get some $$$$$$ and put some $$$$$$$$ away for the (golden years).If I don't, will the society give me some $$$$$$$$!!!!!!!.???????Blueblades

  • Happy

    Ahh, how true. And they contradict themselves once again.

    It is not religious persecution for an informed person to expose publicly a certain religion as being false, thus allowing persons to see the difference between false religion and true religion.
    WT 11/15/1963 page 688 paragraph 3
    Yet if a non-witness *persecutes* a witness by trying to show the faultiness of the WT, we are being led by Satan the Devil, and doing his evil work. It's funny, really.
  • jgnat

    Food for thought? This was a real show stopper: "How do you tell the difference between a true prophet and a false prophet?"

    Three guesses what the next question will be.

  • Francois

    I like to use a couple of things in tandem. I like to show how many times the society has changed the answer to the question, "will the men of Sodom be resurrected?" God has really changed his mind that many times? The bible says that God does not change.

    I also like to use the society's advise on vaccination. You know, that vaccinations were made from animal pus, that they never prevented even one case of small pox, etc. The warning against using aluminum cookware is always nice for a little humor.

    But when I want to get serious the blood issue is hard to beat when coupled with the organ transplant issue. 1975 is a good topic, too.

    In fact, the JWs present such a target-rich spread of opportunities for debate, it's hard to know where to aim. This is the theological equivalent of "buck fever."


  • Happy

    Francois said:

    This is the theological equivalent of "buck fever."
    Nicely put
  • Farkel

    : I'm just wondering what you guys think is the best agrument/point to use when a pesky brother or sister just won't leave you alone.

    Here's one that always stumps them. Ask them if they believe that everything the Bible says happened in the Garden of Eden actually happened. They will say "yes," of course. Then ask them that must mean the twirling sword that God put at the entrance was a real twirling sword, right? They have to answer "yes" to that also.

    Then say, "that means it wasn't man, but God who invented the very first weapon of war, doesn't it? Some "God" you've got there."


  • kelsey007

    Good point! Never thought about that. God invented weapons of mass destruction.

  • Skeptic

    If my purpose is not to get arid of them but to make them think, I slip in one or two little anti-JW facts as casual conversation. And I dont argue the point or insist on it. I just drop a tidbit, and I am very agreeable on the whole. That way they don't run.

    Last week I explained to a JW about how profitable the magazines are and how the donation arrangement makes the Society even more money. I also explained how unreasonable the JW and Bible rules are for extreme situations. I also tried to be very balanced and fair to the JWs in that conversation.

    Though normally I am pleasant with JWs in person anyway.


  • Mary

    I too, like the 1914 doctrine.......without that, their entire prophetic, authoritative structure collapses like a house of cards. As long as JWs believe that their Governing Body members were appointed by Jehovah in 1919, anything and everything bad that happens within the Borg itself can be dismissed or explained away. Once you take that so-called "biblical authority" away from them, they got nothin' to stand on........

  • imanaliento

    the DA letter we sent has kept them away, it works so well,

    you could also try the pedophile issue that's as big if not bigger than the Catholic church they are always snickering at. have you read Crisis of Conscience? there's more amo in there.

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