Do You Remember When...?

by OrbitingTheSun 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • OrbitingTheSun

    I have only been active on the board for a short time (compared to all of you Masters, Jedis, Emperors, and Supremes ) but I already feel like a different person than I did as a Newbie. So, I was wondering--for all of the long time posters out there--do you remember when you or any of your friends were Newbies? If so, how have you changed since then?

  • SPAZnik

    Gawd, how haven't i changed?

  • Sargon

    I've got clean socks on.

  • Francois

    Yeah, I remember that.

    I don't feel like I have to respond to every post any more. Or join every argument. Or take sides.

    I've watched as some very good people have gone from this site and wonder why they did. That's kind of a bad memory since some of these people's posts were very good.

    Funny thing, though. I've been out for over 25 years and I've helped others out, and I've expressed a lot of anger here, or should I say released it. And even after that, I'm still angry at the WTBTS. I guess this is an expression of the fact that I continue to feel betrayed by people I trusted; and now those betrayers are telling all the people they screwed over that it's all their own fault and denying what all of us know to be true.

  • Shutterbug

    I hate to see you calm down Frank, since I've always agreed with about 90% of what you've had to say. Oh well, we all calm down eventually.

  • Shutterbug

    I hate to see you calm down Frank, since I've always agreed with about 90% of what you've had to say. Oh well, we all calm down eventually.

  • MegaDude

    Meeting other ex JWs from this board was a very broadening experience. People shoot off in all different directions in life. It was cool to get soak up everyone's perspective about life. After being kept in the JW jar with a tight lid, it was refreshing to get new perspectives about things. So that had a definite effect on me being more open minded and becoming more free about everything.

  • LyinEyes

    Hi Orbiting,,,,,,,,,,,,,,such a pretty smile .

    Well I havent changed in my personality , I have always been the way I am since I was

    I have seen alot of changes thou. Changes in life like freedom, happiness, making plans, healing of past hurts, actually having friends.

    This is the first time in my life , being here on this forum, that I feel like I am at home, like I have always been here. I guess I just fit in with this bunch of misfits,,,,,,,,, said of course in the most affectionate way.

    It won't be long Orbiting that you will feel like this is the place you have always belonged to , also. You probably already do , it didnt take long for me to fall totally in love with it here . But as time goes on the friendships have grown deeper.If the internet some how ceased to exsist I would still find a way to have these people in my life.

  • Granny Linda
    Granny Linda

    Hello, young lady.

    I don't think I've changed since being on these forums. I signed up for the first time last summer - on a different site for doing research for an older JW sibling. I liked what I read and have stayed around. If not for these sites I'd never have known about the UN incident or the pedophile, I do think I have something to offer newbie's although I do not often speak up.

    Yeapers...personalities galore. But as with recovery in general you/me will always have to sort through those whom we can identify more so then others. The only thing (for the most part) we have in common is recovery from religious abuse. Not everyone adhears to the same principles when it comes to their personal lifestyle. Sorta like when getting into A.A. years ago...I really thought everyone was gonna be honest and forthright in their personal dealings...boy, talk about a rude awakening. and I think the same applies to any group of people. Remember the common ground and try one's best too not have unrealistic expectations of others.

    Ya know people will just be amazing at times. I'm as prone to get pissed off over something someone said - but I really don't have to voice my opinion today. It just doesn't matter to me if someone agrees or not so I rarely get involved in heated arguements because they are not about to change their mind, nor me change my mind. Live and let live.

    However, I am very grateful that these type forums exist. It is a blessing for many, many people. Like others I've come out of the JW mindset the hard way. Just didn't know, and it wasn't available, having access to an internet group. We just did it...the hard way.

    What amazes me though is reading how some trade off one dogma for another...but they might say the same about me depending upon the topic. Life passes too fast to be caught up in trying to please I do what pleases me. And not in a self-centered way either. Aging brings about changes for everyone whatever our circumstance. I prefer the company of those who are honest about themselves and are not afraid to admit how we have errored in our thinking. To me that is the greatest gift we can offer any newbie.

    Take the meat, spit the bone. Be true to thineself. Soul murder is going to your grave never knowing who you are. Stop living your life for others.

    cheers, granny linda who has been absent for some time.

  • DakotaRed

    I would have to say my biggest change was to become single again. Being married to a dub was my last string to the Watchtower. Hmm, I wonder, since she would ask the elders if I were permitted to do the things I did, if they said it was alright for me to divorce her? On second thought, since I didn't give a crap what they said before, do I now?

    Yep, life just keeps getting better. Now, to arrange a meet with WitchyWoman

    Lew W

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