family total of man years spent in the crotchtower

by GeddyLee 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • GeddyLee

    Just immediate family including bros, sisters, father and mother. Im saddened to report it adds up to a whopping total of 314 man years lost in the borg for my family. Can anyone top this?

    Edited by - Geddylee on 18 December 2002 20:4:17

    Edited by - Geddylee on 18 December 2002 20:8:56

  • LB

    Way too many years tied up like that.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Yeah, and no pension at that! Welcome.

    Guest 77

  • GeddyLee

    Thats right no pension. My great grandparents, grandparents, died broke,waiting for the big Armaggedon to come and save them my father and mother are old and broke still thinking its right around that corner you know. my brother the circuit overseer will die broke and disillusioned as well. Glad I saw the light- a little late (thirty years old when I left) but at least I have a house, decent job, and some money put away for retirement.

    Edited by - Geddylee on 18 December 2002 19:41:33

  • lauralisa

    GeddyLee: Awesome username!

    Crotchtower: Awesome and original derision-speak!

    You must be a smart man. Welcome to the board. I lost 14 years to the crotchtower, 1/3 of my life. Wow. I've never 'done the math' that way - gross.. ick... glad we are both out, though.


  • flower

    my mom 58 years

    me 30yrs

    my 8 bros & sis's = 17-39yrs

    my sperm donor = 42yrs

    my grandma=60 yrs

    my bf = 25yrs

    my son= 0 years woohoo! hows that for breakin the cycle of abuse!


  • TresHappy

    Too many years to mention. If I add them up, I will cry.

  • troucul

    I concur, laura...I will from now on use the term "crotchtower"...while "borg" was short and to the point, I think the term "crotchtower" really drives home the point, that those elders can just suck my...

    Oh, and RUSH RULZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Edited by - troucul on 19 December 2002 14:56:56

  • Stan Conroy
    Stan Conroy

    Leave it to my friend Geddy to start a trend! Can you remember some of the names we used to use in the org.when we were younger? I remember we always referred to the hall as the Kingdom Small. We had a nickname for everything, and very few were flattering. And this was when we were both MS's.

    Remember pointing old man Mancini down the street to go door knocking while we went for breakfast. We came back an hour later and he was about 3 territories away (still on the same street though).

    Or the time we did the RV on the east end and spent about an hour playing cards and having lunch with that cute Lancaster girl next door? An hour later when we returned to the car, the morons waiting for us thought we had started a study! At least they got to count the time, because I think we rounded off the morning by "placing" a stack of mags with some bum on the street.

    We sure made the best of a bad scene!! I guess we were fortunate enough to be able to find the humour in anything.


  • GeddyLee

    Stan, How about that time we called that freak circuit overseer Gibson at three in the morning and asked how things were going. Or leaving at half time before the warchtower and slamming back three huge drafts, than coming back while they were singing the song, smelling like a brewery and picking up our books. Or that time when we were pioneering out in service, we put sugar in Ron Carvingstones gas tank, so we could count time while waiting for a tow truck to come.... Oh wait you werent there for that one, I pulled that one off solo. Geddy.

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