JW's and stuff

by JoeSomebody 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • JoeSomebody

    Hello to all here

    It appears as if this is a haven for those who hate the Jehovah's Witnesses. If that is too tough of a stance, then this place is a haven for those who hate the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses. Many are apostates. Some are informed ones that were never Jehovah's Witnesses.

    It has been a long time since I have regularly conversed with apostates and those who wage spiritual warfare (or whose ministry is toward Jehovah's Witnesses) against Jehovah's People. I think the last time were my years when Prodigy was the hot thing. My mother and I had fun coversing, learning and meeting many wonderful people.

    In my years as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, I have come acrossed many loving and caring people who have genuine concern for those who are a part of this world and do not wish to see them on the other side of the spiritual wall.

    From the experiences on this message board, there are some who seem to be loving a caring people but are wolves in sheeps clothing. Some in positions of responsibility. It saddens me that they are still considered Jehovah's Witnesses. It angers me that these people have stumbled thier victims out of the truth. May Jesus guide them.

    Luke 17:2
    It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea, than that he would cause one of these little ones to stumble.

    I hope I will have more fun conversing with many here.


  • hybridous

    Hi Joe,

    I hope you are ready to deal with the fact that that millstone will end up around the neck of WT leadership. Good luck. Don't dismiss the truth just because it's not what you wanted to hear.

  • outoftheorg

    Well Joe. Welcome to this forum. As you said there are many here. Some are still jw's some are ex jw's and some never were and don't want to be jw's.

    I hope you have some fun here also. I am not so sure you will, but I wish you good luck. Sorry, I guess I ought not use the "luck" word.

    Lets settle for I wish you the best.

    LOL excuse me.


  • Kenneson


    Yes, Watchtower Society has contributed much to stumbling many people on this board.

  • Funchback

    The millstone around my neck is pretty cool. It makes me look like a Rapper! I choose to call it 'Bling! Bling!.

    Funchback quote: "I'd rather have a millstone tied around my neck then having bullcrap shoved down my throat."

  • outoftheorg

    Hey stick around Joe. It can only get better. This is how everyone is welcomed here. I have been posting here for, what? 7 months now and most of them won't even talk to me.

    They seem to be extra polite with you though.


  • Skeptically Yours
    Skeptically Yours


    Under the 'Friends' forum, read the "You will never grow old" thread, started by Elsewhere. Then, dare tell me our wonderfully organized Watchtower Society is "The truth".

    I happen to be one of those that's just in there because I can't emotionally afford to lose the wonderful relationship I currently have with my parents and some pretty nice fun people I've known all my life and just happen to be witnesses as well. You know what happens to disfellowshipped and/or disassociated people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So the little game must go on for many of us.

    Granted I like the general theology of the religion, like a little opium for the mind, they have cried 'wolf' one too many times to have my respect anymore. And the 5 weekly meetings are so redundant! I keep hoping that the 'new light' will reveal that we're intelligent adults and that perhaps 3 or even 2 meetings per week is good enough.

    Take care!

  • Ed

    It angers me that these people have stumbled thier victims out of the truth. May Jesus guide them.

    Luke 17:2
    It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea, than that he would cause one of these little ones to stumble.

    Just as a point of interest... have you read Mark's version of the "millstone" comment, where he describes the context in which it was made? (Mark 9:38 - 42) The "little one" Jesus was referring to was a man who was preaching and expelling demons in Jesus' name, but was NOT part of their group. The disciples took umbrage at this, because they felt that an outsider had no right to do this without being a member of their group. Jesus basically said "leave him alone, I value him just as much as you".

    But instead of a lesson in tolerance and respect for outsiders, this always seems to be twisted around into a warning about how vital it is never to leave the group or cause anyone else to leave. Interesting. (I think so, anyway)

  • StinkyPantz

    Hey Gary, are you an Elder by any chance? I was Disfellowshipped by a Gary. Wouldn't it be some coincidence if you're the one? As for your statements:

    Hello to all here

    It appears as if this is a haven for those who hate the Jehovah's Witnesses. If that is too tough of a stance, then this place is a haven for those who hate the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses. Many are apostates. Some are informed ones that were never Jehovah's Witnesses.

    I think that you are wrong in your assumption that we hate the Witnesses, afterall many of us still have family that are JW's and we still love them. Also, as for hating the Governing Body, well I personally don't hate anyone but they do seem to lie to/mislead a lot of people. (If you'd like proof I'd love to share it with you).

    It has been a long time since I have regularly conversed with apostates and those who wage spiritual warfare (or whose ministry is toward Jehovah's Witnesses) against Jehovah's People. I think the last time were my years when Prodigy was the hot thing. My mother and I had fun coversing, learning and meeting many wonderful people.

    Warfare is a bit dramatic if you ask me. I personally only try to help people and not judge them like JWs do.

    In my years as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, I have come acrossed many loving and caring people who have genuine concern for those who are a part of this world and do not wish to see them on the other side of the spiritual wall.

    What, and non-JWs aren't loving and caring and genuinely concerned for others? To be totally honest, I've met more caring people outside of the JWs. As a JW I saw a tremendous amount of judgemental, uncaring people. Now that I'm out, not a one of them (not even my parents) have been caring towards me, not even the elders. Oh, and why the wall? Many here are God fearing, God serving Christians, doesn't that put them on the right side of "the spiritual wall"?

    From the experiences on this message board, there are some who seem to be loving a caring people but are wolves in sheeps clothing. Some in positions of responsibility. It saddens me that they are still considered Jehovah's Witnesses. It angers me that these people have stumbled thier victims out of the truth. May Jesus guide them.

    Exactly, let Jesus guide them, not a bunch of old men and some magazines.

    Luke 17:2
    It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea, than that he would cause one of these little ones to stumble.

    I hope I will have more fun conversing with many here.

    Nice quote, how about this:

    " As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible"- Watchtower, 1928 (So maybe Luke 17:2 was a mistake, hehehehehe)

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex


    I don't like labels, so referring to me as an apostate puts us at a distance and makes genuine conversation more difficult. I am pleased that you recognize the faults of your organization as it shows an open mind. But you need to also recognize a rule that has been maintained and upheld time and again that is pure evil. That rule is the requirement for a victim (whether child or adult) of incest and/or sexual abuse to have two eyewitnesses (preferably baptized Jehovah's Witnesses in good standing) to confirm the abuse to the body of elders. Surely you must recognize that this places an impossible burden on a victim and allows what is arguably the most evil and hideous type of person, a pedophile, to walk free and continue to rape and brutalize innocents. The scripture you quote certainly applies to this rule and in all candor the people Jesus is referring to is not just the pedophile, but the men in Brooklyn who are have knowledge of the impact on victims and yet do nothing. This is more than simple human imperfection. This is evil incarnate. And if "imperfect men" on the Governing Body are capable of this level of human indifference to daily atrocities then the "truth" is not in them.

    When I was baptized in 1974 I swore allegiance to God and his son, Jesus. I did not then, and will not, be loyal to any human organization. I cannot conceive of any way in which Jehovah's Witnesses are approved of by the God I was taught about.

    By the way, welcome to the forum.

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