JW's and the YMCA

by artful 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

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    One of my friends (a MS) was told to leave the YMCA or they will remove all his "privileges"... they also told him that it was considered APOSTASY and if he insisted on staying as a member of the Y that he could be considered an apostate and therefore DF'ed... they gave him the exact WT article as posted (the only one that I know of by the way)

    Funny how the WTS can be a MEMBER of the UN for over 10 years and yet you can't become a MEMBER of an organization that is NO LONGER a relegious or political group.

    Again... the double standards


  • outoftheorg

    Yeah Lark I agree with you, it is a charitable org. However it like any org. where young children are abundant, one will usually find the perverts there also. It takes awareness on the part of those who are managing these orgs. and their willingness to act, to protect the children.


  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    What about the "YWCA"?

    I'm sure that the same policy applies to them too.

    Ironically though, my former congregation in Southern California was located right next to a YWCA. During every Memorial season, the elders would ask the coordinator at the YWCA if the congregation could use their parking lot during the evening of the Memorial celebration in anticipation of the "great crowd" that would attend. During those evening hours, the YWCA was closed and they had a parking lot the same size as the Kingdom Hall's. Of course, the congregation would "donate" a fee (US $25.00) for the use of the parking lot. Since I was the account servant at that time, I personally would write the check and deliver it to the coordinator at the YWCA.

    The elders called it a legitimate business transaction.

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother "NOT Exerting Vigorously")

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