Evil CO's wives

by PopeOfEruke 37 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Prisca

    LOL @ Refiner.

    Actually, when I used to be introduced to other bros & sisters, they always used to ask me "Are you a pioneer?" I have no idea why, they always seemed to think I was one. Yet I'd never pioneered, not beyond auxillarying a couple of times.

  • PopeOfEruke

    Bloody hell! Beck is finally back from 18 weeks holiday! Welcome back Beck!


  • Beck_Melbourne

    Greetings Pope....gracious me you exaggerate...it was 17 weeks not 18

    Can't have a holiday without visiting a few bridges...here's Sydney Harbour Bridge...

    Here's a closer view on a nicer day

    Here's the Sydney Opera House

    Maybe I should have posted these on a separate thread....sorry.


  • Prisca

    Ok Beck, is the lady on the right of the bottom pic the CO's wife?

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    More pics of the old Sydney harbour coathanger eh?

    Hey Pris, I reckon the chips and BBQ ribs as you enter Melbourne are more impressive. That golden fried chip is bigger than the coathanger I bet.

  • Prisca

    Actually, the coathanger is bigger RF. Maybe the chips got too soggy with all that Melbourne rain.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Chip n ribs just for pris.

  • Prisca

    Ah yes, I forgot it was just the one chip. The chip that is placed at such an angle that it looks like it's going to fall on the passing cars any moment now.

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