Do you really need liquor at a wedding reception?

by ronin1 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • ugg

    it is the bride and grooms day!!!!!!!!! each to their own and what ever makes them the happiest..

  • ballistic

    Jourles, is that your real picture?

  • dins

    All I know is that if I ever get married for the second time I'd better be bloody bladdered this time around Diana

  • bluemoon

    I think everyone should have alcohol at their wedding reception. Then again I may be biased because I just got a job bartending at a place that holds receptions.

    So please tip generously.

    btw, I pour them how I like them, strong.

  • PurpleV

    LOL @

    Dont you have to be drunk to get married?? lol

    I remember when I was 15, i went to a wedding where I had a major crush on the groom, and because I was under my JW aunt's supervision I couldn't have a drink, so I went around unobtrusively finishing off drinks abandoned in plastic cups by others. I had vodka, gin, Jack, tequila, wine, Manhattans, whatever I could find. Needless to say the only recollection of that night is the bride asking me under the stall "Is that you, V?" and me, in my hurling misery, said, "NO!!!!" Therefore, I denied myself, and not one cock having crowed at all. Then I vaguely remember my aunt taking me home. My mother was NOT pleased LOL. In my own defense, I was quite naive.

    Hugs, V (Of the Why Did I Bring Up That Nauseating Memory Class)

    Whatever is forbidden, is desired most.
  • Skeptic

    At my wedding, there were concerns that our worldly relatives would get wasted. So this is what my ex's relatives did.

    We charged for liquor and charged high prices. This had the dual benefit of financing the wedding and reducing drunkenness.

    Since we were travelling quite a distance after the wedding, when people asked what we wanted for gifts, we told them to contribute to the wedding by bringing food or helping out at the reception.


  • Jourles

    Ballistic -

    Jourles, is that your real picture?

    That would be kickass if I was Herbert Kornfeld of the Accountz Reeceevable Department of Midstate Office Supply.

    Go here to see who my pic is -

  • Oldhippie

    The only one who really needs liquor at a wedding is the father of the bride.

  • Adam

    ...And the husband every day after.

  • kelsey007

    No booze- no problem. I agree the size of the function makes a dif. Smaller group of people you know well and the booze flows better- larger function with a lot of people that you don't know that well and things can take unexpected turns. I like to drink but I dont like obnoxious drunks-

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