Won't get fooled again ...Moon Landing.

by The Rebel 579 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    Truth seeker : I did not write " my education was from the university of life" as you quoted. I wrote in humor " my education was from the university of life . I failed :-)

    And I totally agree with you there is no such thing as a stupid question. Maybe only badly understood questions? Anyway the answers exist, but the questions don't. I guess that's why I raised the debate....anyway I no longer believe God put dinosaurs here to test my faith. But I do believe it was possible to have faked the moon landing. And I do think I raised some good questions on this debate that haven't been answered,

    The Rebel

  • suavojr
    I know Viviane, I have used a telescope and seen the satellites. But from the moon we should be able to see the earth and all the satellites orbiting planet earth!
  • suavojr

    the world outside our planet is a fascinating one and I know I'm talking with lack of knowledge about our galaxie, but help me find the answers to my questions. Michio Kaku gives a great answer about the moon landing.


  • Viviane
    Suavojr,"If you believe everything the governments and Nasa say to us, you are just being naïve."

    Well, there's also the logic of Suavojr making that claim and then using a NASA promotional video as something we should trust as evidence to not trust them.

  • Viviane
    I know Viviane, I have used a telescope and seen the satellites. But from the moon we should be able to see the earth and all the satellites orbiting planet earth!

    Well, I look at the moon all the time it's a satellite. We do see ISS orbiting with telescopes all the time, it's a satellite. What are you expecting to see? Do you understand how telescopes work? Why do you assume a telescope shout be able to see every satellite orbiting the earth?

    the world outside our planet is a fascinating one and I know I'm talking with lack of knowledge about our galaxie, but help me find the answers to my questions

    So far you aren't really posting questions, just making uninformed claims.

  • Viviane
    But I do believe it was possible to have faked the moon landing. And I do think I raised some good questions on this debate that haven't been answered,

    What questions specifically?

  • cofty

    A successful conspiracy is the most unlikely of all scenarios.

    Conspiracy theorists are not skeptics.

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    " what questions specifically"

    A. The " moon landing" is one of the most significant achievements in the history of mankind. Am I right in thinking NASA lost the original raw footage?

    B. Nowadays it seems everyone is talking about getting to Mars and making a base. I would have thought the logical option would be to go to the moon first, it is a lot closer, and from the moon onwards to Mars?

    The Rebel

  • Viviane
    The " moon landing" is one of the most significant achievements in the history of mankind. Am I right in thinking NASA lost the original raw footage?

    What does that have to do with whether or not we landed on the moon? Have you looked into whether or not the "originals" were lost?

    Nowadays it seems everyone is talking about getting to Mars and making a base. I would have thought the logical option would be to go to the moon first, it is a lot closer, and from the moon onwards to Mars?

    Have you looked into discovering why that is so before jumping off the cliff and into thinking "Mars base = moon landing faked"?

  • suavojr

    Viviane said: Well, there's also the logic of Suavojr making that claim and then using a NASA promotional video as something we should trust as evidence to not trust them.

    Well, that's what we do with the so called "JW Truth", their own words condemns the WT fallacy.

    I'm sorry I had no education because I've been peddling WT magazines during the weekends. The reality is, that Nasa cannot get our full confidence just because they shows us nice pictures and tell us what we are looking at.

    All I want is the truth, and Nasa is not our God and should not be the only source for truth. A cover-up is very unlikely but it is not impossible for them to hide crucial information because it would be too much for the people to take.

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