I Made the Literature Trolley Run Away Today - Twice

by cofty 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    actually--the more i think about this--its perfect:

    jw's would never knock on the door of a known apostate-----but by them manning these trollies it gives us a perfect opportunity of anti-witnessing to them. i imagine many dubs have never spoken to an apostate before.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Well done, Cofty, not only for keeping your cool and being polite, but also for stressing the RC (secular authority therefore not apostate).

    "One thing about apostates, they are really good liars" - pathetic response. Should be ashamed of himself.

  • cantleave
    Nice work Cofty. I tend to just leave them to it when I see a cult cart. I think you have inspired me to be a bit more proactive.
  • Vidiot

    "I'm not interested."

    IMO, that was the funniest and most ironic part. :smirk:


    I gotta say, from the looks of things, this is shaping up to be just about the most humiliating thing JWs have ever experienced.

  • Vidiot

    "One thing about apostates, they are really good liars"

    Well, since "apostates" are former JWs, what's that say about JWs?

  • Stirred

    If someone brought the subject of a Royal Commission investigation in the press, it would have made me look it up to prove whether it was true.... Brian may just do that to try to prove he is right...

    If anyone spproached me aggressively or angerly, it would make me defensive and I would not hear their points. Therefore, I suggest alway approaching others respectfully but with great questions....in a way that you really want answers. i love Angus Stewart's way of questioning....leads them to first expose their felings and lack of knowledge....then he goes for the quick hard questions they cannot hide from.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    Funny story....the Mrs and I had a good laugh about the woman popping a wheelie in her scooter and practically mowing down the pedestrians on the sidewalk in her effort to scurry away from you. I've had similar reactions myself at my own front door or when I've encountered JW's "preaching" in public places.

    Part of me feels sorry for these folks because I was once in their shoes. They get so upset because none of their beliefs are provable and on some level they know this, even though they've been convinced otherwise by their weekly indoctrination sessions (aka meetings).

    Everything you said to them was true and therein lies the problem. Plain truth and the light of day are a direct threat to everything they've built their lives upon and upon which their psychological stability is resting. At this point they need to believe fairy tales, just to keep going. It's very sad to see this from the other side now that I've done the hard work and paid the consequences of having broken through it myself.

  • Vidiot

    Pete Zahut - "Plain truth and the light of day are a direct threat to everything they've built their lives upon and upon which their psychological stability is resting"...

    ...which doesn't bode well for the future of their psychological stability.

  • mana11
    10 points cofty!

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