television evangalists anyone?

by freddi 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • razorMind

    I hate to say it, but I watch them mostly for entertainment.

    I marvel at Benny Hinn's hairstyle (esp. the back) and the way he sometimes "zaps" the sick people during those healing sessions.

    T.D. Jakes can bust out some slick dance moves, that is, when he's not speaking in "tongues".

    Creflo Dollar wears interesting costumes (once a maharajah-type getup, complete with fringed sash; I kept waiting for some type of Bible-based drama, but no)...he also brings laptops to the podium and wears headsets. And I always get a kick out of his female audience and how they act towards him.

  • freddi

    hey JT,

    thanks for that site. i used to watch price all the time. especially when he had his month long svc on race and religion. he seems to be so sincere.


  • freddi

    i used to be hooked to tbn but i couldn't get over the sharp resembelance of jan crouch to tammy faye. all that make up and the pink has got to go.

    benny hinn? i don't know about him. i watch but with a questioning mind.

    the only ones that i really watch are joyce meyer and you might find this wierd but jack van impe. i just love his stuff on prophecy. i have also been intriqued by this "Left Behind" stuff. you know, the tim lehay movies on the rapture.


  • TresHappy

    Many of those religious sorts on TV are nothing but charlatans with $$ signs instead of eyeballs. That Benny Hinn, what a crackpot. He's nothing more than Kathryn Kuhlman all over again. Anyone remember that woman?

  • JT
    especially when he had his month long svc on race and religion. he seems to be so sincere.

    it was an excellent program and that is what is so sad about religion, it can do so much good and yet out of the same mouth as it were do so much harm and i believe in callin a spade a spade

    commend were they do well - dog them were they don't esp when they start making trash up and signing God's name to it so as to make you believe it

  • JT
    I hate to say it, but I watch them mostly for entertainment.

    #### so do i

    I marvel at Benny Hinn's hairstyle (esp. the back) and the way he sometimes "zaps" the sick people during those healing sessions.

    ### i love when he knocks folks out myself

    T.D. Jakes can bust out some slick dance moves, that is, when he's not speaking in "tongues".

    ### td jakes is good, he flew into wash dc back in the summer put on a 2 hour program for 2000 folks--pastors and thier wives-- on HOW TO RUN YOUR CHURCH LIKE A BIZ

    he charged $50 a pop- made over $100,000 the wash post covered the event alot of local pastors who went were pissed that the story was covered

    he dropped about $20-25,000 off for the pastor who hosted the program , went back to Reagan National Airport got back onto his LEAR JET and flew back to Dallas with $80,000+ in cash

    NOT BAD FOR 2 HOURS OF WORK all in the name of the "LARD" not lord but "LARD"

    Creflo Dollar wears interesting costumes (once a maharajah-type getup, complete with fringed sash; I kept waiting for some type of Bible-based drama, but no)...he also brings laptops to the podium and wears headsets. And I always get a kick out of his female audience and how they act towards him.
    HE IS a real Pimp Daddy i like him too, and yes you know he is BANGING THEM SISTER ON THE FRONT ROW-SMILE
  • razorMind

    I am SO sorry, I've gotten my televangelists mixed up.

    CLARENCE McCLENDON is the "pretty boy" who wears the strange costumes and the headset during his sermons. He keeps those sistas in the audience all "HET UP", lol.....

    I mistakenly said Creflo Dollar--though he keeps those females "HET UP" as well.

    JT, ROFLMAO!!!

  • abbagail

    Glad to see this topic. Always wanted to ask the same question. About two years ago feeling "hungry" for something spiritual, I started surfing the religious channel. I loved the convenience of it. Could lie in bed and get spiritual "food" at the same time. LOL. Felt guilty, of course (though out of the org for a decade, still thought they had the truth, and WT always said, "If God wanted us on TV, we would be on TV" -- still have that talk on tape from the '80s by a really really old little brother but with a very loud booming voice, and all white hair, Brother Jones, if anybody remembers him? He was not local, but came from HQ or someplace). Anyway, I found a few TV preachers I really liked to listen to, and was quite surprised how informative and comforting their "bible talks" could be. It seemed they would discuss just the thing I needed at the time. Some of my "favorites":

    Charles Stanley with his grandfatherly-type voice, slow and comforting. I would cringe at the Heaven/Hell references, but liked everything else. He would even say "Jehovah" now and then. I came to find out, MANY of them will throw the name "Jehovah" in their talks, which really surprised me. (Just so happens this morning old Pat Robertson on his CBN news show, did a little Bible lesson on the 10 Commandments and must have said Jehovah over a dozen times. He even wrote it on his chalkboard, etc.)

    Then I liked Joyce but felt guilty watching a women speaker (WT influence). So I would not watch her for awhile. Then I would. Then I would feel guilty again, etc. One day, though, I saw her being interviewed by Benny Hinn (LOL! about the hair! So true!) and she explained about her sex abuse as a child. After that I was hooked on her and watch her all the time (no more guilt). She's hysterical funny, and it's more like a bit of psychology thrown in with scripture. I really like Joyce Meyer. She's really good. As far as her clothes, she looks good in them. The sparkles bothered me a little at first, but not so much anymore. (Remember now: chothing choices are a matter of conscience! LOL!) Almost every time I watch her, she says something right on that I needed to hear. I think God can "send us" an upbuilding word thru TV preachers. And why not use the technology that is out there? Today she had a great line, that no matter what hurtful thing we may have experienced or been thru, instead of playing the victim role, just "Throw it to a Seed." I really liked her explanations about that. It was very upbuilding and positive, as she usually is. And, yes, her hubbie, Dave. LOL! He sure takes alot, but seems like a level-headed guy. We should all be so lucky!

    Another day flipping around I heard someone say Easter was pagan (about 2 years ago). So I stopped and it was John Hagee, the stocky little Texan with the big mouth. So when I heard him speaking about pagan Easter, I got hooked on him for awhile. I like his illustrations and huge posters (reminded me of WT stuff), and his no-beating-around-the-bush lecture style. He also covers alot of OT info. He,too, throws the name "Jehovah" in there now and then, usually in a compound-word kind of way, like "Jehovah-Jireh." At first I wondered if he didn't have some JWs in his family tree because he seemed to talk just like a former JW preacher might (but come to find out, no JW influence). Then after awhile I heard him bash the JWs in one of his talks (about JWs have to "work" to earn God's blessings) so that turned me off for awhile (remember at that time I was still under the mindset that only JWs had the truth -- which is not so the case anymore).

    These days I have no guilt whatsoever watching any of these guys (and girls) and I quite enjoy them. I go thru spells where I feel a "need" or "hunger" to hear some spiritual food, and the TV sure is a handy place to watch and listen and it's 24/7, any time you're in the mood, you can flip and find. Not sure I'd ever have the guts to go in person to any of their churches or ministries, though I was surprised to see that quite a few of them look like KHalls inside, auditoriums. Other surprising things to learn (since we were always told in the WT that no one else could even come close) were: (a) Other religions DO USE scripture A LOT. (b) Other religions DO USE Jehovah's name. (c) Their lectures are very similar to Sunday talks at the KH in that they cover daily life stuff, use the Bible sciptures, talk about the time of the end, etc. The only dif is the little flock/great crowd v. rapture/heaven/hell, etc. And of course, TV preachers emphasize Jesus a lot more!

    (And no, I've never sent $$ or bought any of their books and tapes. Sheesh! They are so expensive compared to prior WT prices, LOL! I might buy something if it all didn't cost so much.)

    I also like Mac Hammond as far as being a good speaker, funny, pleasant to look at, good bible talks.
    I also like Gerald Mann sometimes, older guy, gives pretty good talks.
    There's some guy named Mike Murdoch and he has a dark black beard. He sits at a desk when he talks about scriptures.
    I've even watched Creflo a couple of times. I thought he was okay, too.
    There's one half-hour show with a panel of scientists/astronomers I think. It is interesting to watch them. They are all Bible believers and they discuss science and the universe in line with the scriptures.
    There are others I like, but I can't think of their names right now. What's nice is you get such a wide variety of choices of preachers to choose from! Pick your favorites and set the VCR, and watch whenever.

    Saw one guy one night, a singing-prophet, Kim Clements (sp?). He sorta raps and plays piano. It blew me away at first (so strange),but later I thought, well, it takes all kinds. If Paul tried to become all things to all people, then who says God will not use all kinds? (The singing prophet is not near as weird as some of the people in his audience, however!) For a totally totally different experience, check him out. LOL!

    What I do NOT like:
    I tried Benny Hinn for awhile, heard a talk about angels once that was really good. But all the faith-healing stuff, knocking the people down -- I can't quite swallow all that.
    I'll watch the CBN news but I don't really like Pat Robertson's voice. He's just downright creepy sounding.
    I don't like it when all the people in the audiences stick their arms up in the air. I always find that a little strange to see. LOL! I don't think I would want to do that if I was standing there.
    I definitely do not like the preachers that scream, holler, shout and jump around. I just cannot STAND that, like Jesse Duplantis. He gets a little too excited and too loud for my taste. LOL! So if I flip by the channel and someone is hollering, I just keep going. I like the conservative, sane & calm-sounding preachers or preacheress (female preachers).

    As far as end times and prophecy, I like these guys -- they use a lot of Hebrew & Greek scriptures:
    1. Hal Lindsey - his "Intelligence Briefing" half-hour news show. I got Hooked on Hal two years ago when he was doing a series covering the International Religious Conference at the UN that Ted Turner funded for about $50 million. Right now Hal is doing a seven-part series on the last days. (He also acknowledges that the USA has no permanent place in the end scriptures, so it must vanish somewhere along the line).

    2. Perry Stone - I think he has a beard, btw. This guy is really good, too. He seems to know more about the Jews and Hebrew scriptures than I bet the WTS. He explains little tidbits of things that either I forgot, or never learned at the KH.

    3. And yes, freddi, I like Jack Van Impe, too. I was visiting his website the other day after I saw him again on TV this weekend, and I signed up for his freebie email newsletter. On his website he describes how he was able to memorize so many scriptures, 14,000 he knows by heart. Said he did it by using index cards grouped by subject matter. It was interesting to read because when I first studied with the JWs, I had scripture index cards plastered all over my wall, and it really helped. -- He was showing (on the TV) a new Bible he is offering (for SIXTY BUCKS btw!) which is the KJV but he "color-coded" all the verses by subject matter (last days, etc.) I thought it was a good idea, but then he had his name imprinted across the front of the Bible, which turned me off. I don't think any man should put his own name on the front of the Bible like that. That part seemed tacky to me. Maybe I'll email the guy and tell him so. LOL! Otherwise, I agree with you, I really think all of these guys have the end times figured out MUCH BETTER than the WT version. They may not have it all correct, but it sounds to me like it is much more in line with reality and what is happening in the world today. These guys give much more detail than any WT book I ever read. These guys can name the exact nations in our day who will play out the scenarios, etc.

    Here's the difference in what these guys and the WT say, as far as the end times: In a nutshell, the WTS says most of the end-times scriptures will have a spiritual fulfillment. Whereas these TV guys say it just as the bible says it, i.e., LITERAL. Which, when you think about it, makes much more sense. In other words, all the prophecies about Israel are really about literal Israel in the here and now, and NOT "spiritual Israel" as the WT says. When you start with that premise (literal Israel), it's a lot easier to figure some things out and makes much more sense. They all use the modern re-establishment of literal Israel (1948) as the beginning of the last days. I especially like the understanding they have about the Kings of the East (not Jehovah and Jesus like WT said), but CHINA! (duhhh!) And the King of the North is Russia (WT got that right), and so on. Also, their understanding about the European Union out of which will come the antichrist I really find fascinating. As far as the mark on the hand/forehead (not literal, per WTS), but these guys say it will be literal (the microchip or some other "permanent governmental marking" that will allow you to buy/sell). They say Armageddon will take place literally, exactly where it says, in the valley of Megiddo (sp?) over in the Middle East (Russia, China, etc. all attacking literal Israel). Also, when they calculate the days/months/years as prophesied in the Bible, they count it just as it says: days/months/years. The WT seemed to always make everything be something ELSE than what the scripture literally says. These guys give a lot more detail than I can remember right now, but it is fascinating to watch. I would love Perry Stone's Last Days videotapes but, sheesh, again, they cost a fortune. If he ever came to town, though, I might go listen.

    Things I'm not sure about:
    I'm confused about the rapture business. I don't understand it fully as yet. From what I gather, they think the chosen ones will be caught up for the seven-year tribulation to be spared from it. And later "dropped back down" I guess??? They do believe the earth will abide forever, so somebody has to live on it. But if they all think they are going to heaven, then who gets left over? They do believe Christ will rule ON EARTH for the thousand years. So who goes to heaven and when I'm all confused.
    Alot of these TV preachers are hooked on tithing. And when they explain all the scriptures about "give and you shall receive" - it sounds logical.

    As far as God reaching people thru TV preachers, I say, why not? I especially started to think this way when being sick and thinking of all the old and sick people. How can they be upbuilt spiritually? Click! And there's some spiritual food on your TV. Can't beat that. Also, if the good news about the kingdom and/or Jesus is REALLY to be "preached in ALL the inhabited earth" before the end will come, it makes sense God would use whatever means are available to reach the masses. The WT USED to do that itself (radio, the phonograph records, etc.) I think they missed out by not getting on TV. Of course the poor folks in undeveloped lands may not have TV, so I imagine He may send a JW to them in person instead, eh? Knock Knock! (It takes all kinds maybe!)

    BTW, the religious channel has great health shows too, like "Calling Dr. Whitaker" and "Doctor to Doctor."

    Our local religious channel is stationed in Orlando. So the owner of that station brings in the other TBN and CBN shows, etc. They are building a huge new building which will have larger broadcasting abilities and will be done in several languages around the world, Arabic, Hebrew, Spanish of course, etc. Anyway, and this was fascinating to me since I have fasted before (even when a JW). This channel's manager (Claude Bowers), after reading about fasting from another preacher, Bob Rogers, decided to ask everyone that works there and everyone in the TV viewing audience to join in a 21-day fast (they did this in January 2002 for the first time). You wouldn't believe how many people called in from all over the country (since this channel is seen on Sky Angel as well). The deal was to fast as long or as little as you choose, but according to Rogers, an expert on fasting, the longer the better (as far as cleansing, etc.) Claude himself, even though he had to be on TV every day, fasted for 21 days. I was so proud of this guy! When I did a 21 fast (water only), I had to basically lay very low, stay in bed or sit in a chair, little walking, etc. But this guy did it and came to work every day, except for a few days around the 10-11th day when he was in a big slump from it. They stayed on the air full time for 21 days and had all sorts of people on during this time who were also fasting, and they discussed fasting for health and for spiritual reasons, and of course singing and bible talks, etc. It was really neat as I have been a believer in fasting since I first learned about it (for health reasons) in 1987 (after praying all summer, btw, to "Jehovah" to show me an answer about health issues.) -- These guys, Claude and the gang, will be doing the 21-day-TV-fast again come this January 2003 -- can't believe an entire year has gone by already.

    To summarize: "Worldly" religions/TV preachers, etc. and what they preach are not near as lacking and "empty" as the WT would have had us believe. I thoroughly enjoy and have benefitted from making good use of the Televangelists, and wish I had started watching much sooner. It can be very refreshing like the "dew from Mt. Hermon" (TM) & (sp?) LOL!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    My dad used to listen to some guy on late night radio (back in the 70's) called Reverend Ike. Rev. Ike used to talk about his big Cadillac and his fine clothes that the Lord blessed him with. He had a wild and raspy voice. Hadn't thought about Rev. Ike in years . . . . .

  • seedy3

    Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell are 2 people I cannot stand, those two are just the most discusting people I have ever seen. They blame the gays, pagans, and cival rights orgs for the 9/11 attack, they told the people in florida that they would suffer with hurricanes for allowing gays to go to disney world for a gay rights convention. Those guys are as evil and discusting as it gets. Pat Robertson feels that if you are not a christian you should have not rights to vote or hold elected office, and only christians are smart enough to rule the world. He feels that christians should run the schools and not allow those that are not christian to even get an education. I dislike those two people so much it is almost a hate, and anyone that supports them is as discusting as they are. I know they have supporters, other wise they would not still be on TV. They just make me SICK


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