SYNCED SOUND [Day 3 - 29/7]Child Sexual Abuse Within Jehovah’s Witnesses. + VIDEO

by C0ntr013r 14 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • C0ntr013r
    Slightly better but I have to stick my ear to my computer to hear it. Those guys are too far from their microphones. Thanks for the work you put in it.

    Yeah, the audio on the stream could have been a bit louder, I believe using headphones could resolve your issue

  • C0ntr013r
    Kevin Bowditch got some good pictures on these videos, quite fitting. xD
  • Watchtower-Free
  • Petraglyph
    Hi C0ntr013r, will you be recording/uploading this coming Friday's session?
  • C0ntr013r
    Hi C0ntr013r, will you be recording/uploading this coming Friday's session?

    Do you want me to? :P

    I am planing to, I think this historical event needs to be preserved in high detail and made available to everyone ;)

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