Jehovah Witness Wikapedia written by the same people who write the publications?

by thedepressedsoul 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • thedepressedsoul

    I took a look at the Jehovah's Witnesses Wikipedia page for the first time and I couldn't help but notice it was worded very closely to how JW's publications are.

    The good stuff seems to be very positive while the negative items seem to be very downplayed. The talk of persecution is enough to get your average JW wet. It's found over 15 times on their one page! Their demographics looks straight out of a Year Book article. Their Persecution section is almost the largest one.

    The biggest thing is their "Handling of sexual abuse cases". It's very downplayed and fails to mention cases they lost, money paid out or on going troubles. It fails to mention their two witness rule, 3 star chamber, not encouraging police reporting and many of the other issues that are being brought up.

    Heck! It even starts off by saying this, "Jehovah's Witnesses' official policy states that elders are directed to report sexual abuse cases to authorities when there is evidence of abuse, and when required to by law, even if there is only one witness to the abuse.[357] According to the policy, an individual known to have sexually abused a child is generally prohibited from holding any position of responsibility inside the organization.[358] Unless considered by the congregation elders to have demonstrated repentance, such a person is typically disfellowshipped."

    Not sure about you guys but what's been brought out in the courts paints a very different "official" policy that they have.

    Their whole section seems very biased and downplayed to me. Not to mention all the references are from WT publications.

  • freemindfade
    Someone needs to plug the RC event into the wikipedia page
  • Oubliette
    Anyone can edit a Wikipedia article. You can too.
  • freemindfade

    But I am lazy

  • neverendingjourney

    It's one of the thirty most heavily edited pages on Wikipedia. It changes all the time.

    At certain points pro-JW editors are winning the battle and at other points they're not.

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds
    Didn't some people figure out that IP addresses based in NYC were editing JW pages?
  • thedepressedsoul

    Didn't some people figure out that IP addresses based in NYC were editing JW pages?

    Wouldn't surprise me. I bet they have a whole internet/pr division that their sole purpose is media & internet damage control.

  • Oubliette

    Years ago I used to edit JW related articles on WP with a pro-JW. It was a result of doing that that I discovered that many of my beliefs and behaviors as a JW were indefensible.

  • Litebrite

    Maybe it should be changed and the RC's page of evidenced linked as the source.

    how in the world are they putting stuff on Wikipedia that isn't well sourced since we know that the policy manuals are confidential. I know anybody can write anything, but at the minimum, their statement that elders do report even in the case of one witness should be struck for lack of credible source. In fact, the actual source that can be linked without DMCA says otherwise.

  • thedepressedsoul

    Years ago I used to edit JW related articles on WP with a pro-JW. It was a result of doing that that I discovered that many of my beliefs and behaviors as a JW were indefensible.

    It's funny, as a kid I thought a JW could own anyone at the door or in a debate. Any other religious beliefs or not.

    Come to find out as a young adult that it's actually the other way around. A half educated person can own your average JW belief system at a door.

    Then again, a lot of teachings or "new light" lately have made it 10x harder for a JW to defend. So far, none of the JW teachings have withstood the age of time.

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