Is the Society selling any Brooklyn properties??

by Quandary 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quandary

    I have heard some rumors that the Society is selling some of the properties in Brooklyn. Specifically the Furman St bldg was mentioned. Has anyone else heard this?

    If this is true, Im wondering if this is preparation for possible sizeable payouts in the recent lawsuits being brought against them for pedophilia and the blood issue.

    Any thoughts?


  • temp1

    Where did you hear this Quandry?

  • blondie

    Well, quandary, there has been some speculation. There is a definite cash flow problem at the WTS. New printing presses have been sent to Walkill or Patterson to be installed. More may follow. As to it being from money regarding abuse cases, I doubt that. There is currently a case in France regarding taxation of the WTS that may mean a $50 million plus payout.


  • Quandary


    This came from a very reliable source, one of the District Overseers I know.


  • metatron

    Selling the Furman St. property looks like a no brainer. With downsizing going
    on, there is no reason to hold on to many of these properties.

    I think they want to 'retire' to Paterson - and that 9-11 encouraged them to do so.

    Their present financial needs are sufficient to move them towards asset sales. Downsizing
    was predicted on this board ( from inside information) long before 9-11 or most of
    the molester publicity took place.

    amazing isn't it? They keep reporting all these 'marvelous increases' yet somehow
    are compelled to make massive cutbacks.

    Like Watergate, follow the money to the real truth.


  • Defender

    If they are just selling real estate and downsizing then that will appear bad, but the move to Patterson is giving them a fig tree of sorts that they can hide behind. They will cloak the downsizing and the move to Patterson with so much "Spirit Direction" and "Jehovah's Blessings" that the rank and file will not wise up to anything.

    What would give them a much bigger excuse after the fact, is If some terrible terrorist attack or some other massive accident hits Brooklyn or New York after they move Patterson.

  • NewYork44M

    Selling the Furman building makes sense for a number of reasons. There clearly is a down sizing. The Furman building is not close to the other Society properties and it't value has increased significantly. Besides the transition that Brooklyn Heights has gone through lately, the city is proposing a waterfront park that will run from the Brooklyn Bridge to the Furman property line. Note the attached website.

  • JH

    I think I know why they want to sell. Go see my thread about photoshop posted yesterday.

  • Elsewhere

    Does anyone know the street address of this building?

  • blondie

    Elsewhere, it is 360 Furman St, Brooklyn Heights, NY.

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