Needless To Say...

by Derrick 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Derrick

    Your harsh criticism of the Watchtower is not helping matters. Instead of criticizing the problems, why not suggest solutions?

    This is pointless, provocative and designed to ignite a firestorm of followup attacks...

    "The Borg's disfellowship policies totally sux!!!!!"

    "The GB's rules are bazantine and reminiscent of Christendom as it operated in the middle ages!"

    This frames a tragic teaching in a constructive light, and promotes discussion on what policies are really necessary and genuinely scriptural...

    "The Watchtower needs to reevaluate its disfellowship policies in light of these scriptures..."

    "Socially shunning someone in the congregation should be left up to the consciences of each congregation member based on their knowledge of the shunned individual's situation. The severity of various situations will often determine the extent of shunning, and influence decisions by the elders regarding assigning responsibilities to anyone committing wrongdoing. Extreme situations involving criminal wrongdoing on the part of a congregation member may require the congregation to completely ban the member from all responsibilities and require the elders to vote on whether to ban disruptive individuals from attending meetings..."

    If you really care about the future of those who want to remain Jehovah's Witnesses and work things out, then why not start brainstorming solutions?

    Needless to say.


  • metatron

    Some of us have done so, at considerable length, even suggesting how

    they could change without much disruption.

    It all falls on the deaf ears of old Pharisees, in the end.


  • Derrick
    It all falls on the deaf ears of old Pharisees, in the end.

    Let me tell you a little secret.

    You can teach an old Pharisee new tricks if you are patient enough.


  • kelpie

    Would love to see you try Derrick

  • IslandWoman


    Let me tell you a little secret.

    You can teach an old Pharisee new tricks if you are patient enough.


    Ray Franz tried to "teach" them face to face. He failed. No, what we say here will never "teach" the Watchtower anything. It is not teaching they need it is fear of God.


  • borgfree
    You can teach an old Pharisee new tricks if you are patient enough

    But, can you ever turn a false prophet into a true prophet?


  • onacruse

    To quote a Scripture the Society has used innumerable times to condemn other religions as unworthy/incapable of salvage:

    "No one sews a patch of of unshrunk cloth on an old garment, for the patch will pull away from the garment, making the tear worse. Neither do men pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst, and the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved." (Matt 9:16, 17 NIV)

    What's good for the goose is good for the gander.


    Edited by - onacruse on 13 November 2002 20:58:38

  • freedom96

    Though there are many good people in the organization Derrick, it is completely run by the WTS in New York, who will not listen to ANYONE regarding their policies.

    History shows that they have become more dogmatic every year, and much more controlling. If they lighten up on their teachings, then they will lose control over individual witnesses.

    I agree that changing some of the policies would help make them more humane, but that still does not ignore the fact that the WTS teachings are incorrect.

    If the WTS would relax and become more humane, then I would have no problem with others believing what they teach. It would be just like many other religions.

  • troucul

    You must however credit Derrick as an optimist. Good for you Derrick. So many who leave the borg become so dissatisfied it alters their outlook on the situation. Good luck, I'd like to hear how you make out.

  • blondie

    There were Pharisees in Jesus' day that accepted the teachings of Jesus: Joseph of Arimathea, Nicodemus, Saul (Paul). But they all had to leave the religious organization of which they were part. They could not stay Jews religiously and have God's approval.

    So if there are those in the WTS that are good and they recognize that the "truth" is no longer being taught in that organization, just like the men above, they would have to leave to have God's favor.

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