The mother of all gripes

by kenpodragon 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • kenpodragon


    It was unreal, I could not believe he got off and it just showed how bad the legal system can be played.

    My thought


  • pettygrudger

    Sorry Francois - blaming the governments is just another way to to not take responsibility. If you want to blame someone - blame the parents. We overprotect our children from their actions, we over indulge them in an effor to give them a better life. We excuse all their wrong choices, and try to build "friendships" with our children instead of true "parent/child" relationships. We haven't found the balance between over-strict & spoiling said children rotten - hence the product is children who don't feel like they're wrong for anything & feels like the world owes them everything.

  • Crazy151drinker


    Yeah it was really bad. I mean the guy sneaked into City Hall with a gun and blasted the mayor! But somehow a twinkie made him do it??? Im sure the fact that he was a firefighter and was popular (he was on the city council) had to do with his aquital. Even though I HATE Diane Finstien, I can see why she hates guns. Very Sad. My Semi Grandfather was devistated. The whole thing was sad, and then the guy kills himself!

  • kenpodragon


    Yep, they do High School and then college and wonder where all the people are to offer them jobs. They go to work and want a higher minimum wage, because they think they deserve more. It goes on and on and on ....

    My thought


  • terabletera

    Just can't help it.....the government is to blame for some of it. I totally think so. We are breeding a society that feels it is entitled to hand outs. The incentives are amazing. I've seen it myself, go off get pregnant at 16 and you get housing, daycare, and schooling. I watched my sister in law milk the system for years.

    Talk about not taking responsibility. You don't have to in this country, thanks to programs funded by you and me.

  • Iwasyoungonce

    Ken, (another great thought)

    To take responsiblity for our own actions means that we can no longer shake our fist at God. Or say that Satan tricked me. We don't have to be afraid. I have found that belief, the one that says you are responsible for yourself; Hold yourself accountable for your actions good and bad before you start telling others when they are a victim, and when they are to blame is too deep for most. Religion, Government and the infamous "them" (You know, "They" say that....) Who are this "they?" is one thing I love to ask people who can not take action or responsibility. Blaming "them" is just to easy and addictive.

    Another thing, It is helpful when one fixes the problem. It is not always helpful to fix the blame.

  • Robdar
    If you want to find the root cause of our problems stemming from refusal of everyone to take personal responsibility for their actions, you need look no further than your nearest leftist, liberal, socialist, democrat, etc.........You like this rotting from within? Keep voting democrat.


    You and I agree on many things but I have to disagree with you on this. If what you say is true, why is it that the young republican that I rent my upstairs to, filed 2 frivolous lawsuits this year? His mentor, another hard-line republican is encouraging him to do it, to go for all the money that the courts will award him. As his mentor says "F*** 'em anyway you can".

    My young friend is looking to get rich in any way possible and would have filed a third lawsuit, but his attorney told him that it was getting out of hand. It amuses me to hear him talk about how we need to cut welfare spending because those women should have kept their knees together. Instead of having "bastard" children, they should be working for a living. Meanwhile he is trying to milk the system himself.

    The answer isn't as easy as republican v. democrat. I agree with Dragon, it is time for everybody to take personal responsibility.



    Edited by - robdar on 12 November 2002 17:34:14

  • kenpodragon

    I do not think it can be divided along party lines either. What one does, is often equally reflected in something else the other does. Both sides would be very scared if they had to take responsibility for all of their own actions.

    My thought


  • RandomTask

    As a conservative I must agree with you too Robyn, in so much that this has to do with personal responsibility nad one's party affiliation has nothing to do with one's personal values.

    However in defense of Francois, Republicans do say that part of their political platform is to stress personal responsibility in their policies and some of the largest contributors to the Democratic party are trial lawyers. Whether that pans out in reality is up to you and me to decide.

  • Mary

    The worst ones are the defense lawyers for their scumbag clients who they know full well are guilty, but hell, lets try and get them off anyway. Lawyers today tend to forget that their role is to ensure that justice is done in any court case, not to try and get their client off at all costs. I think of that prick of a lawyer in that Van Dame case earlier this year where the neighbour raped and killed that sweet little girl and his frigging lawyer tried saying it was the parents' "lifestyle" that was really to blame. That lawyer should receive the death penalty along with his client.

    Yep, people sue for the dumbest thing.......I plan on suing my doctor, but that's because his incompetence almost cost me my frigging life. I think that's justified. But a fat person suing the fast food restaurants? Gimme a one forces you to go in there for god's sake.........of course, the best one I've heard is where some black people in America today, want billions of dollars from the government as compensation for slavery. Of course, none of them were slaves, but what does that have to do with anything?

    Of course, it's really not OUR fault that we won't take responsibility for anything we goes all the way back to Adam and Eve...........when Jehovah asked them if they had eated the fruit, Adam blamed Eve ".....the woman YOU gave me......", and of course, Eve blamed the snake ".......the serpant, it deceived me and so I ate it."

    So it's really all Adam and Eve's fault - dey set a real bad example for us children.............

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