The Watchtower - Hustling Pocket Change

by metatron 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Apparently, at some Assembly Halls they are removing the pay phones and replacing them with their own phone lines - with a contribution box next to it.

    You may already know about District Assemblies where they put 'out of order' signs
    on working vending machines to prevent the rank and file from using them.

    How much money do they expect to make from this? They are trying to hustle pocket change!

    Another interesting change: The usual testimonies on stage - which used to praise
    individuals who brought others to the point of baptism - are now starting to emphasize
    different aspects of 'loyalty' - like "I'm still in the 'truth' even though my mate
    of __ years left me".

    Onward Christian Soldiers! The 'Mainstream' lies ahead!


  • minimus

    I decided to go to the next assembly. 900 numbers it is!

  • VM44
    "You may already know about District Assemblies where they put 'out of order' signs
    on working vending machines to prevent the rank and file from using them."

    I have heard of this, and I think it has been going on for quite awhile. Wouldn't people wonder why ALL the vending machines went on the blink at the same time? Also, saying a machine is "out of order" when it is not is a form of lying! Or don't they think the people have a right to know if the machines are working?I have heard that brothers are stationed near the machines, to keep people from putting money in them, and they have been known to physically push people away from the machines if they see them about to put money in them. --VM44

  • outnfree


    I'm with you!


  • scumrat

    Wow, talk about desperacy !!!! I haven't been to an assembly since the early 90's. geeeezzz!!!!

  • BeelzeDub

    I too have noticed the "out of order" signs on vending machines.

    Also in my local there are two hotels next to the convention center who set up food stands out side and on their own hotel property during the lunch hour to sell food and drink. I found it to be very convienient to the alternative of running to a store in the morning and packing lunch for a family of 5.

    For the past several years they started giving talks prior to the convention that we should not buy food from these vendors.

    What difference does it make if I buy my food from a Marriott or A&P ?

    The WTS does not want to provide food service, tell me I am on my own and then tell me where not to buy the food. What are they going to do next, lock the doors at lunch so no one can go outside?

  • Scully

    It's really pathetic when they put "OUT OF ORDER" signs on working vending machines inside a convention center. It's also pathetic that they negotiate for FREE PARKING at convention centers and then CHARGE for parking. It's even more pathetic when they don't provide food or refreshments of any kind, and then have the audacity to tell people not to get refreshments from local vendors.

    How many "vacations" did we waste on this money grubbing false prophet/profit?

    I'm glad those buggers are finally hurting where it counts. It's too bad that so many dubs are hurting right along with them.

    ROFL @ minimus re the 900 numbers

    Love, Scully

  • blondie


    What are they going to do next, lock the doors at lunch so no one can go outside?

    Maybe, I hear the beverage to be served is koolaid.


  • Francois

    VM44 - Putting an "Out of Order" sign on a working vending machine IS NOT a form of lying. It's an outright, bald-faced lie.

  • NameWithheld
    What are they going to do next, lock the doors at lunch so no one can go outside?

    Hmmm. Don't give them ideas. It might just happen. Wouldn't suprise me actually. Or they might post 'security' people near the food stands to 'warn' the poor JWs who venture there that they are breaking the law

    Goes right along with them putting ATMs in the assembly halls. Make sure that the fleeced flock has a way to get cash to put into the boxes. Notice how they aren't so proud and advertising about their 'no passing of the contribution plate' anymore?? That's because they spend 1/3 of their meetings and assembly time pleading for cash nowdays.

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