Another Shocking clip From JW Australia Royal investigation Elder would not report MURDER

by Watchtower-Free 24 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse
    Good god what a moron.
  • Crazyguy
    How do you kill a cult, hold a royal commission and they kill themselves.
  • Mephis
    Yeah, that's what they try to claim and where it seems to stem from with reporting. Problem is, even their interpretation of that is a very American one so in other countries it just looks deranged to try to claim an absolute right when it may exist only in a very limited form at the discretion of a court, let alone apply to them.
  • Island Man
    Island Man

    I have a theory. Remember how that elder said he doesn't read the news and wasn't familiar with the work of the Royal Commission. Well, what if . . . none of these elders realize that their testimony is being streamed to the public? What if they think that the proceedings are being done in a clandestine way - like in a JW judicial committee? lol

    I think that best explains the shocking, embarrassing honesty with which the elders expose their foolish extremist positions. They think no one outside the commission is watching and so the public wouldn't know of their ugly extremism.

  • Watchtower-Free
  • Vidiot

    People around the world last month: "JWs are strange, but they seem like nice enough folks..."

    People around the world this month: "WTF is wrong with these people???"

  • Splash

    So many bad attitudes on this thread.

    Don't you know you are speaking of divinely appointed glorious ones?

    *** w98 6/1 p. 17 par. 10 “Put Up a Hard Fight for the Faith”! ***
    It is all too easy to find fault with the appointed elders, for they are imperfect, as all of us are imperfect. But if we dwell on their faults and undermine respect for them, might we be “speaking abusively of glorious ones”?
    [...] Those who persist in such negative talk could cause divisions in the congregation and perhaps even be likened to dangerous “rocks hidden below water” at gatherings of fellow believers. (Jude 12, 16, 19)
    Never would we want to pose a spiritual danger to others. Rather, let each of us resolve to appreciate responsible men for their hard work and devotion to the flock of God.

  • Watchtower-Free
  • fastJehu

    Nice title for the elders-book in your picture: "DF the flock" lol

  • Saintbertholdt

    "Another Shocking clip From JW Australia Royal investigation Elder would not report MURDER"

    ah hahahahahahahahaha. oh ohohohoh. Ha hahahahahaha.

    When I was a JW my opinion was that secular laws always superseded ANY church body's opinion. My only exceptions were blood and military service because in my mind they were well defined issues and I felt I could make a reasonable defense if I ever was challenged in a court of law. I had debates with brothers and sisters about criminal offences and what the elders authority in these matters were. My opinion was that they had no authority.

    So thank you Jehoober for never making me an elder. It would have meant my IQ would have dropped by 40+ points making me a vegetable like the Elder from this video.

    ...Elder would not report murder. ah hahahahahhaha. oh hahahahahaha my sides.

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