Cult books for JWS

by In_between_days 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • In_between_days

    I recently purchased "Combatting cult mind control" the book by Steve Hassen and found it very enlightening. Upon the conclusion of that book I did realise once and for all that I was indeed a victim of mind control and that the Organisation of Jehovahs Witnesses certainly qualifies as a "Destructive cult" The book was of special interest to me, beacuse it was not written by an ex JW , but by an ex moonie, thus the information is not biased, being particularly written for ex JWs.

    The similarities of the dubs and the moonies are quite eerie, although there are some differences. I was thinking about lending it to my JW family. There would really be no reason to refuse reading it as it has no mention of JW's and is certainly not written by an ex member. Any idea what my family would say? Has anyone tried this before? Has anyone gotten a dub to read any cult book at all, and what was the result of that? Advise please, I would appreciate it.

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    I found that book fascinating as well. I wondered the same thing, whether that could be a book recommended to read, as it isn't "apostate". Has there been any official stance against the book or the author by the WT?

  • shera

    Just wondering before I go to a book store,can you get these books there or just from the net?

  • AjaxMan


    I think the attitude of them will be either:

    - they'd start comdemning all the cults, that how wrong these cults are and that they are glad that they are in Jehovah's real organization.

    - they deny that they are in a mind-controlling cult.

    You see it is going back to a lot of tunnel-vision and denial there. Only someone who escape or leave a cult will be able to relate and understand what Steve Hassan wrote in his book.


  • In_between_days


    I got the book from a local book store in the sociology section, it has been really hard to find though, have a look in some shops but if not, you can definately get it from the net.

    You guys are probably right about them not reading - it was such a revelation to me though.

  • myself

    Shera- Many local bookstores can order the book for you as well. It usually takes about a week to get them in. I also enjoyed The Kingdom of the Cults by Walter Martin.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    As I understand it hassan recommends a method called "exit counselling', part of which involves pointing out cultic practises from cults other than the one the "deprogramme" is a member of. In other words you point out the evil cultic practises of Mormonism to a Witness because he is not so defensive if you are criticizing Mormons. Ive found this method is usefull in talking to people ive talked with about the dubs. Still, you cannot talk someone out of the dubs, or any other cult, until they want out themselves. Maybe not even then if they have no personal strength to make the break.

    I have become very patient over time and i wait for them to start the conversation on the subject of their rotten life in the cult, then I offer parallels with otherrs who feel the same way along with analogies (if one comes to mind) to Mormonism or Adventism or the Cult of Simon Peter Fuller. Whatever I think will be the most effective example. And then I wait. Maybe months, years, who knows. All the while planting ideas when there is an opening and the cultee is receptive.

    Never push the matter when they dont want to talk about it any more. If they are getting defensive or angry, terminate the discussion.Never become angry, involved in an emotional arguement with the member, its very counter productive.

    Thats as much as I know on the subject of getting people out of cults.


    Has anyone gotten a dub to read any cult book at all, and what was the result of that?

    Yes I'm curious too.

    I'm going to get;

    Freedom of Mind

    Combatting Cult Mind Control

    Releasing The Bonds

    I know I'm going to be doing a lot of reading but is there any benefit and any way to have the infected J-Dub read any of these? Would it do harm? Or would they just push them away and think it's an act of Satan or something like that effect?

  • Londo111

    The advantage of Combatting Cult Mind Control is that it does not mention Jehovah’s Witnesses. Therefore, it cannot be said to be critical or opposing the organization. This really helps the person waking up to process the information objectively.

    The challenge would be to get a JW to read this book. It would be within the realm of possibility they would throw the book away. It all depends on how it is presented.

    For instance, a non-JW might say, “I don’t know much about the religion you are getting involved in. I just read this book that helps a person evaluate the group they are joining. It doesn’t mention JWs. I figure there is no harm in you reading it and hearing your thoughts about it when you are done.”

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Very hard to break the spell...some people just dont wanna leave.

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