Pagan Daybook

by gsx1138 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • gsx1138

    Thought it was a bit interesting.

    November 8, 2002

    Friday - the day of Frigga, or Venus, the goddess of love and transformation.

    Mania, Gwynn ap Nudd

    Mania, the Roman festival for the spirits of the netherworld, occures today. Today Gwynn

    ap Nudd, the lord of the faerie world, opens the door to our world. The door is said to be on

    Glastonbury Tor, in Britain.

    2:24 pm

    The old Welsh tide of echwydd

    The modern tide of undorne

    The wind of Africus

    The direction of south-west

    The virtue of receptivity

    Waxing crescent moon.

  • RunningMan

    I pictured this more like a "daytimer":

    9:00 Sacrifice to dagon
    10:00 Bite the head off of a chicken
    11:00 Interview virgins for ceremony
    12:00 Lunch at Olive Garden
    1:00 Meeting with representatives from Druid community
    2:30 Persecute Christians
    5:00 TGIF (Thank Gorgon it's Friday)

  • Jesika

    LMAO @ running man!

  • gsx1138

    That is funny Runningman but I can't decide if you're serious or not. You've just included about every lie about Paganism that christians have made up. Except for the Olive Garden part, pagans love Olive Garden.....mmmmmm, Italian Margarita mmmmm.

    Edited by - gsx1138 on 8 November 2002 22:19:4

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