Child abuse a sin not a crime to JW's

by snare&racket 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    This Australian investigation is astounding to watch.

    The elders clearly don't see child abuse as criminal, if a JW confessed to murder, the police would immediately be called. Yet child rape is a spiritual issue..... Ridiculous.

    This is what happens when 7 window cleaners lead a bunch of dangerously loyal, ignorant middle aged men ...... In managing 7 million people.

  • opusdei1972

    This is what happens when 7 window cleaners lead a bunch of dangerously loyal, ignorant middle aged men

    This problem emerges for discouraging secular education.

  • Heaven

    I am embarrassed to say that my grandfather brought this crap into our family, that my parents bought into this BS, and raised their kids in it. The good news is none of us kids accepted it. Some of my family members on my Mom's side are JWs. I wonder if they even know about this stuff being that they are in Canada.

    This crap really pisses me off. I hope they get nailed to the wall. But they will use it as persecution because, after all, they are a cult.

  • Litebrite
    if a JW confessed to murder, the police would immediately be called

    You forgot that the brother on Day 2 said when asked point blank if he would report someone if they confessed murder and he said no.

  • truthseeker100

    Heaven: Some of my family members on my Mom's side are JWs. I wonder if they even know about this stuff being that they are in Canada.

    The media in Canada the CBC et al use to try and segregate the Canadian populace by invoking Canadian content rules on media content happenings around the world and especially the evil US. It doesn't work anymore for the most part thanks to the information superhighway.

  • fastJehu

    THE CHAIR: Question. If a different crime, to take the most extreme, murder. If you were told that a member of the congregation had killed someone else, would you report that to the police?

    D. Ali Answer. We would encourage the person to do that.
    THE CHAIR: Q. Would you do it yourself?
    D. Ali A. No. I would try very hard not to - not that I would try very hard not to, but I would encourage the person continually to do that. That's a decision they need to make.
    THE CHAIR: Q. What if the person wasn't prepared to go to the police, but they told you that they saw the killing happen - what would you do?
    D. Ali A. Am I being asked on the present day circumstances?
    THE CHAIR: Q. Yes.
    D. Ali A. Yes. I would take the action of ringing the branch and getting some legal advice on that.
    THE CHAIR: Q. You are living in Queensland, aren't you?
    D. Ali A. Yes.
    THE CHAIR: Q. Do you have any knowledge of the law or legal obligations to report knowledge of crimes at all?
    D. Ali A. Not - not really, no.

    my comment: unbelievable

  • Poztate

    The elders clearly don't see child abuse as criminal, if a JW confessed to murder, the police would immediately be called. Yet child rape is a spiritual issue..... Ridiculous.

    You must not have watched part 4 of the second day. On the stand about the 10 minute mark of the forth segment Dino Ali replied to this question

    If you learned of a murder that a JW committed or had information about such a murder would YOU report it to police ? His answer was that NO he would not but he would encourage the person to go to the police himself and confess.

    When asked the additional question what would you do if the person refused to go to the police ?

    His reply was that he would have to call the branch legal dept for instruction.

    His only concern was legality not morality.

    They are all a bunch of drones with no minds of their own.

    Just noticed that someone with faster fingers already replied

  • WingCommander
    Wow......that testimony above is very telling about the conditioning and mind-control that the flock (especially the Elders) are under, doesn't it? Here we have an Elder being asked point-black if he'd notify the police of a murder, and he flat out states he wouldn't, and that he'd have to call "Legal" at "The Branch" to ask if it's ok to do so. Wow!! That's some good control going on right there! What a freakin' tool this Elder is! Typical Elder tool.
  • antes8080
    When your a Elder you become heartless. You don't have critical thinking is just the instructions say this or I have to call the branch. That's why the gb discourage education, don't want elders to start thinking.
  • C0ntr013r

    The craziness can be witnessed at 1:05:20 in this video:

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