ANNOUNCEMENT: Tomorrow, Reveal from the Center of Investigative Reporting is publishing a new text story on JW shunning and child abuse

by AndersonsInfo 10 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • AndersonsInfo

    Reveal from the Center of Investigative Reporting is publishing a new text story on shunning and child abuse starting Thursday in the early morning, July 30, 2015. This is the same organization that ran outstanding stories about Kathleen Conti last February on the Reveal website and on PBS Nightly News.

    The Reveal radio story will air on Saturday, August 1, 2015, and will be available at over 300 stations in the US. See


  • jwleaks

    Thanks Barbara for all your hard work. You're an inspiration to us all.


  • baltar447
    I'm thinking you meant July not August. But this is great, I'll be checking the site tomorrow!
  • cha ching
    cha ching
    I am looking forward to another sharp story by Trey Bundy!
  • wannaexit
  • AndersonsInfo
  • Litebrite
    God Bless you, Joe and Barbara. Thank you for your hard work. The fruit is blossoming.
  • AndersonsInfo
  • Vidiot

    Hope you have some tissues handy, Barb; something tells me you'll need it.


    This never would have happened if you hadn't started it all those years ago.

    I think Ray Franz would've been really proud.

  • johnamos

    How about this…

    Let’s pick and settle on a TV station/network in the US, like CNN, Fox news, etc…

    Next someone with input from others write out a short letter asking this TV station/network to cover this news story from Australian being that the headquarters of the WTS is here in the US in NY.

    Then everyone on here (this board) no matter where you live copy and paste the short letter and send it to whatever website we use based on the network of choice.

    Copy the letter just as is and send it thru email but not as an attachment. Everyone send the same letter with nothing else added and with the same subject line in subject box.

    I would say that if enough emails are received in regards to, they will do a story on it here in the US…they may even mention that there were a bunch of emails from all over the world requesting that this be covered.

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