If the Watchtower Society was given a cheque for 1 million dollars would they cash it ?

by Esse quam videri 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri

    If the Watchtower Society received an envelope containing a cheque for 1 million dollars, made out to the Society, along with a letter explaining that the money was won from gambling, either casino or lottery,

    1]   would they cash it?

    2]   If they did not cash it but rather returned to sender, what explanation would they give?

    3]   If they did cash it, what explanation would they give to justify it?

  • ToesUp
    They would cash it in a heart beat! No explanation needed. Remember...this is the same organization who refused to present documents when a court order was issued by a court of Law. 
  • millie210
    They would cash it and say they are making friends for themselves by means of unrighteous riches.
  • prologos

    they gambled on all those dates, pulled a dud,- and probably feel their number has finally come up., not 1914, not 1925. not 75,

     9980025 more, --1 000 000.

  • happy@last
    Of course they'd cash it, and then mail the sender a WT on the dangers of gambling!
  • Zoos

    "In the same way the Israelites gleaned much gold from Egypt prior to their departure, to be used in pure worship to Jehovah, so too God's earthly organization today uses the wealth of Satan's doomed system to support it's work in spreading the good news to all the inhabited earth."

    "This money has done the devil's work long enough! NOW it wil do the LORD's work!" - Baptist preacher who received lotto money donation.

  • Phizzy

    Does not the Shepherd the Flock book take a less rigid stance on gambling ? From memory it says something about simply buying a lottery ticket not being a DFing offense ?

    Or did I dream that ?

    They would certainly accept the donation, without comment, I bet. (Excuse the pun).

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    If the Watchtower Society received an envelope containing a cheque for 1 million dollars, made out to the Society, along with a letter explaining that the money was won from gambling, either casino or lottery,    

    try it--see what they say when their bank tells them to refer to drawer.

  • OnTheWayOut

     If they did cash it, what explanation would they give to justify it?

    Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!

    Like they offer explanations.  
    "Thank you for your donation."  I bet that would even be a stretch.

  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    "unrighteous riches".......someone already nailed it.  Yes they would cash it.  No worries.

    I heard an old story that the society refused to cash a check for 250K that was sent to them by Michael Jackson.  even back then I was like.....yeah right.

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