Theocratic News

by No Apologies 13 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • joannadandy

    Actually I left because of this very issue. I said "where is the Theocratic News?" No one could answer me, so I left. (just kidding)

    OH MAN! I LOVED THEOCRACTIC NEWS! It was the one chance I got to attempt to answer as a kid. And if I didn't get it because of the flood of other kiddie hands flailing in the air to be called on, well it was not my fault, I tried!! And I still got a pat on the head by ma and pa...ahh life was good with Theocratic news. Especially hearing certain brothers trying to pronounce some names...hahaha! I was geography addict when I was little. I remember being 12 and relishing kindly pointing out to brothers the correct pronunciation. *evil laughter*

    I just don't think I could survive the meetings without theocratic news...those poor kids, does this mean they have to look for other answeres on their own now? The horror!

  • Sabine

    The reading of the "theocratic news" was so boring to sit through. Once Makena got assigned that part and he got bros. and sisters to pretend to be from the country discussed. One black bro. faked an affrican accent, one sister faked a french accent, was hilarious. That was before the politically correct days, probably wouldn't fly today.

  • Swan

    We had a young brother in our congregation back in the mid 70's that was being groomed for MS. He was assigned the Theocratic News and did the whole part in the style of Chevy Chase doing the Weekend Update! We young people loved it. It was the first time we every really paid any attention to the Theocratic News. He got in trouble for it though.


  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Yeah...they never let the young have any fun! All we were allowed to do was listen to the Elders wives gossip about their love life with their husbands. And how horny their husbands were. And how kinky !

    And they would go into detail!...

    I had a hard time keeping a straight face thinking about the speaker on the stand chasing his wife around the kitchen table with a towel on him!

    We have the election for governor coming up. I saw the two candidates on TV . One is a very straight faced woman and very serious..The other guy looked like he was having a real good time..when he spoke the first thing he did was crack a golf joke. I wrote him off immediately. Don't ask me why..Idon't really know. I guess people may think that the speaker or politician isn't serous if they "Have too much fun at their job"!.



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