July 26th Watchtower. Twisted learning

by Lemonp 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Lemonp

    The WT study this week made me feel sick!

    It is one of the most blatantly un-scriptural articles I have ever seen!

    Why? Well it is almost a direct opposite of the Good Samaritan parable.

    • Paragraphs 5, 6, and 7. Subheading of: "HOW WE CAN IMITATE JEHOVAH’S LOVE"

    In these paragraphs we see how we should treat our Neighbor ... So, what examples do we have of loving our neighbors?

    "Suppose a Christian youth, whom we will call Alan, is thinking about an elderly brother whose poor eyesight makes it hard for him to read" it goes on to elaborate about how Alan can help the old-timer.

    "Some are challenged physically because of injury, disease, or aging. Others are coping with emotional trials because of depression, panic attacks, or the aftereffects of abuse. Still others are part of a religiously divided family or a single-parent household."

    Great! So, all examples given are either ambiguous, or obviously other Witnesses. Jehovah Loves THESE people!

    • Paragraphs 8 and 9 are the best part. Subheading "IMITATE JEHOVAH’S KINDNESS"

    Straight off the bat we get: "God’s Son said: “The Most High . . . is kind toward the unthankful and wicked.”"

    Now we get the loaded language: "a woman known to be a sinner approached him...When a Pharisee disapproved of what had happened, Jesus spoke to him kindly too." (Italics mine)

    Who else are like these examples? " At work, our supervisor is not doing his job well. How will we react? A brother comes to a meeting for the first time in months. What will we say to him? In the ministry, a householder says, “I’m too busy to talk right now.” Will we be considerate? At home, our spouse asks, “Why didn’t you tell me what you had planned for Saturday?”" (Italics mine)

    Notice that all these examples, bar the fader, are of worldly people? We show kindness to them, NOT love.

    • So, the lesson in these paragraphs is this: Love your Neighbors (JW's), be kind(tolerate) worldly people.

    Good Samaritan? Where is that lesson!?

  • Lemonp
    Shout out too to paragraphs 16 and 17 dealing with Anxiety... Directly on the page facing the Gog of Magog article explaining how all the nations are going to attack "us".
  • prologos

    Par 6: "--older person who finds it hard to walk from house to house--" as if only walking from house to house matter, walking for the very old is hard period. guilting the old for not doing service?

    Par. 5 rewriting the "Golden Rule", Jesu implies: not how we want to treated, but how we think our neighbour wants to be treated , given his circumstances.

  • freemindfade
    That sums up the RC bit on return to jehovah. Those who doubt or change mind or question are not included in jehovahs love or the congregation.
  • notoneoftheboys
    never anything practical, invite them over for a meal.....4 years in one cong no invites in sight, rides in service had to beg because one of the elders with the big car filled it with young sisters, he disclosed he was a leg man while drinking,do you need financial help has never been asked me in the 40 years I was in the truth. do you need help getting around never anything practical all about service and meeting attendance like we have other needs!!!
  • freemindfade

    I'm an inactive jw. My name isn't on the bible study group list. I don't turn in time. I'm and atheist and like to sin.

    Nevertheless. I am always inviting the "brothers and sisters" over to my house and treating them with great love. How do you like that! In fact as a co told me once. I was known for hospitality to the Bros and sisters and set the example. Ironic that I also think the religion bunk. Maybe that has something to do with it

  • Oogie

    We phone in to the meetings. I mentioned we could listen to an early one [I just like to get them out of the way] my husband [mentally in] said: 'oh great, now I can be depressed for the rest of the day.' Even mentally in dubs are not 'refreshed' by the meetings anymore.

    This WT in particular seemed to be written by a 12 year old.

  • millie210

    Why do Jehovahs Witnesses have to be reminded to be



    use discretion?

    be kind?

    most people are taught this stuff in kindergarten and by their parents and grow up and assume their place in the world and just naturally display these qualities to whatever degree their personality and rearing geared them to.

    The average person does not sit down and read a Watchtower using pre/adolescent level language to "teach/nag/cajole the behavior out if them. Life teaches you that if you want people to like you - you play nice.

    Why do the Witnesses need "extra" reminding above and beyond and why do they fail at the basics even in spite of the "reminders"?

  • Ohiamfree

    Why do the Witnesses need "extra" reminding above and beyond and why do they fail at the basics even in spite of the "reminders"?

    Because you can't have morals unless you are JW ;) jokes.

  • leaving_quietly
    A man in my cong commented that JWs are protected from anxiety if they do everything prescribed for them: meetings, study, prayer, service. This made me angry, knowing that anxiety is NOT prevented from these things. This is just ludicrous. I did a bit of a facepalm when he commented. I hope the conductor caught it.

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